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Just Call Me Dr. Smith :P

Posted on Wed 1st Mar, 2023 @ 7:55am by Commander Paul Graves PsyD

Hello, Crew--

You've probably wondered where I've been for the past almost-month.

The answer is, going to a lot of doctor visits, doing a lot of physical therapy, and getting used to living with pain going down one leg and having very little sleep. I can't find a comfortable position that will let me fall asleep. Sometimes Relaxium works like a charm; sometimes it doesn't.

I've been coming home from work completely exhausted and going to bed almost as soon as I walk in the front door. My husband has been washing the dishes and feeding our cats. I've been spending most of my weekends in bed, trying to sleep. I've been attending church by YouTube.

Anyway, I have been a total slug at writing and at leadership this month, and I deeply apologize to yhou all. Life has been exhausting lately, and my brain has been in a fog.

Things are gradually getting better. I'm on a combination of nerve pain medication and ibuprofen. I feel like a drug addict, I've been popping so many pills lately. I don't much like the feeling.

I'm able to walk more easily for longer distances. I can get from my house to the grocery store across the street without needing to rest three times in between. Standing for any length of time, though, wears me out.

I'm going to get back in the saddle for March. There might still be days when I come home from work exhausted and take those nights off, but I will otherwise be here and be writing with you all.

I hope those of you who celebrate it had a very happy Valentine's Day! In March we have the coming of Spring, and I'm sure some of 109's eateries will lay out the green carpet for St. Patrick. Perhaps the Romulan contingent and Bajoran contingents might also have celebrations? I hope they will!

I plan to work on the sim report romorrow night, and I'll post it here in the News section, as usual.

Happy Writing!



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