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Command Changes

Posted on Mon 17th Oct, 2022 @ 7:03pm by

Greetings, Crew!

By now, you've all read Jenny's resignation, and no doubt are wondering what happens moving forward. We will all have to revamp some posts with her characters, but the sim will go forward. The Command Team is working out a few glitches, so be patient with us, and continue writing your posts.

We will be putting out calls for a couple of positions which have been neglected recently. We kept hoping for two people to come back, but it seems unlikely after a year, so we're going to take this opportunity to clean things up a little.

If there is a particular position you are interested in switching to with your PC, let one of us know. If you'd like to NPC a particular character, let us know that, too. This sim belongs to all of us, and we want your characters to be happy, and you writers to be happy, too.

Stay tuned for more information, as changes go on in the background. Keep up your excellent work!

Susan, for the Command Team


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