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Update to Wiki Complete Deck Listing

Posted on Wed 28th Sep, 2022 @ 6:53pm by

The deck listing given on the control panel is an abbreviated version, showing major places. The complete deck listing has been updated in the Wiki to show the water decks for those characters who are not air breathers, but very necessary to the Federation.

Water Decks

If the sophistication of Nova doesn't allow for the link as html, you can still click the link and go to that page. If you haven't explored our Wiki, it is changing periodically. We add new information so that anyone coming to SB109 can see what has been built here. Particularly if you are playing in Tivoli Gardens, the Lower Decks, Brown Sector and the Zodiac, or the Promenade, it's important to know what's there. Please do take the time to read about our environment, so we're all writing in the same place.

If you'd like to expand Wiki information for YOUR area of SB109, and can't add a page, let me know and I'll help. Or Austen, Chantal or Jenny will help.

Susan, aka Jade Lantz, et al.


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