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February Awards

Posted on Thu 2nd Mar, 2017 @ 12:49pm by Colonel Horatio Drake


As ever it gives me great pleasure to hand out some awards!

Commander Zachary Hunt - Longevity Ribbon - For serving on Starbase Vanguard for six consecutive months

Lieutenant Jasmine Collins - Longevity Ribbon - For serving on Starbase Vanguard for six consecutive months

Lieutenant Commander Chlamydia Addams - Duane Ribbon - Jenny demonstrates exceptional writing skills in every post that she publishes. She brings her surroundings to life and leave no stone unturned when it comes to the detail. Always a pleasure to read!

Lieutenant Paul Graves - Longevity Ribbon - For serving on Starbase Vanguard for six consecutive months

Jade Lantz - Civilian Contribution Ribbon - When it comes to creating and developing civilian character in Theta Fleet, I think there is no win better than Susan. With every character she creates she brings a new and refreshing element to Vanguard... she has created an entire world that has nothing to do with Starfleet. An exceptional writer and player.
Jade Lantz - Longevity Ribbon - For serving on Starbase Vanguard for six consecutive months

Captain Brooklyn Wellington - Captain's Honor Award - Allison has managed to breath life into a very under utilised department on any sim. Writing in Fighter Operations is no easy task, however Allison takes it in her stride. She has created a colourful and dynamic department with in-depth NPC's to support her along the way!

These awards are mainly for posts in January and some in February. The next batch of awards will be looking at February/March!



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Comments (1)

by on Sun 5th Mar, 2017 @ 12:50am

So cool, and thanks so much! It's always fun to get an award!