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Clean Up Posts

Posted on Sat 23rd Jan, 2021 @ 8:59am by

Hello, Crew,

I thought I had mentioned this once before, but maybe I only took the thought as deed, so here's a reminder to either alla you or alla me. =)

We have saved posts going back into early last summer. I can see them all, but I don't want to mess with them if you have plans to finish them. I don't mind if you are saving some information for a future use, I've done that myself. However, if the post is never going to happen, or is unlikely to happen, please go ahead and delete it. If you think you want to finish it, now is as good a time as any. =)

Also, we have one week to up our post count for January. Remember, it isn't the actual number of posts, it's the number of discrete players posting that counts. For instance, if you do a single post with one character, that counts as one. If you and three others do a joint post, that counts as four. However, if two people do a post that involves 2 NPCs each, that's still only 2 post counts.

Clear as mud? Well, let's just write like crazy for a week and see where we are. We have 49 right now, and it was 35 last month, so it's better. These numbers are the ones which determine Unit of Distinction status. I like to see us winning silver and gold consistently, and we usually do. I like us to be active.

I know awards are not important to everyone, but they're nice for those to whom they are. Do NOT make me get out my whip! LOL, just kidding. The most important thing is to have fun writing. Awards are only in second place. (smile)

Thank you,
Only 1/3 of the Command Team this time


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