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New Mission

Posted on Sun 8th Jan, 2017 @ 2:35pm by Colonel Horatio Drake


We are starting our new mission tomorrow - Wrongs Darker than Death or Night!

I have taken a hugely successful storyline from a previous mission and merged it with another which was largely overlooked. James will be leading one half of this and I will be leading the other - with some meeting of minds in the middle! Unless your position is expressly mentioned in the Mission Notes (for example Diplomatic, Security & Marines will be with James), then you're welcome to essentially pick which part of the mission you want to be a part of. This is a trend, I hope, we can carry on with future missions!

As mentioned, the entire mission proposal (including all roadblocks and the final outcome) has been published on the mission notes section (you can view this when writing a post).

Any questions, please drop me a line!

All the best,


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