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Put it on Your Calendar!

Posted on Mon 31st Aug, 2020 @ 7:53pm by

FYI - Our fearless Theta Fleet leaders: (direct quote) are working with RPG Writing, 16th Fleet, and Split World Alliance to host a one-day simming conference. The focus will be to give simmers tools to help them be better writers. We want to have presentations on playing the various departments, on character creation and why it matters, on keeping drama in character, on plot twisting, etc. Basically, how you can have more fun writing and get more involved in stories and character development.

Suggestions are welcome. Volunteers are welcome. We have a Google Docx with a list we’ve started.

We’re looking at Saturday, January 16th. It will be called The Babel Conference (BaCon or Ba-Con for short). For those who are curious, Azmaria created a logo with a Trek platter, a Delta Shield, and a Babel Fish. It’s pretty cool.

This can be a great way to breathe new ideas into our sim, if you are interested in attending or presenting at the conference. Our own sim has two new proposed story arcs coming up in the next few months, maybe three, but that doesn't mean we can't have more! Character development is a big part of SB109, so ideas about that could be helpful, too. We all want to enjoy what we're doing, so getting more fun out of our writing can't hurt!

The Command Team


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