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Theta Fleet Area 51 Reorganization

Posted on Sun 16th Aug, 2020 @ 12:14pm by

Hello, Crew!

There's a slight change in the Area 51 organization for Theta Fleet. You probably know we have three areas, A, B, and C. We've been in 51-A, but with the new line-up, we are in 51-B, Poltergeist. The CO is Gabriel Barron, USS Redemption.

The units in our section are now:

Shards of Polaris
Starbase 109
USS December
USS Odyssey
USS Redemption

There is nothing you have to do, and nothing changes for our sim, except that we are now in a new organizational group.

Each group in Task Force 23 and Task Force 51 has 5 membership sims, meaning we have 30 sims right now. Not bad for a decade of growth, starting January 1, 2010, with 6 operational and 2 forming sims. Others have come and gone through the decade, also.

In case you weren't aware, Task Force 23 is our canon group of sims. Set in the year 2395, TF23 deals with the aftermath of the Dominion War and the renewed dedication to exploration. There's no shortage of new worlds and new adventures for those eager to explore the final frontier. This group does not follow the alternate universe of the 2009 and later movies and newer online series.

Our task force, Area 51 takes a different approach. Area 51 CAN follow the alternate universe of the 2009 and later movies and newer online series. It is Theta Fleet's group of affiliated sims. While they aren't fleet canon Trek, aren't set in our main timeline, OR aren't Trek at all, they are still part of our family of role playing games. They are original, entertaining and thought-provoking, always with an eye to the unexpected.

So now you know.

The Command Team


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