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Posted on Tue 7th Jan, 2020 @ 8:56am by Lieutenant JG Artyom Mikhailov

Good Morning, Starbase 109 -

I am sorry for the long and unannounced hiatus which I've taken over recent weeks. To be honest, with everything that is ongoing in the real world I've often gotten home knowing full well that I need to take at least five minutes to log in here and either respond go what logs are waiting on me, or turn in my resignation. The creative juices have not been flowing all that well as of late, and with so many things redirecting my focus I've had to think rather hard on what the best decision is.

With that in mind, I appreciate everybody's patience. Artyom is one of the few characters in a very long time that developed into someone that I've been excited to write, and I'm not quite ready or willing to let him go just yet. Being able to manage my time more effectively has always been something that I've struggled with, a problem which made more sense when I was diagnosed with ADD a couple of years back. With a full time job, a wife and two kids, multiple projects and distractions, it's been hard to find the energy to do those small things. But I know that if I can drag myself into a schedule and make sure that I'm logging on here at least once or twice a day that I can make it work.

Please forgive my absence. I'll get some responses out shortly. Thanks again.

-Rob, AKA Artyom


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Comments (2)

by on Thu 9th Jan, 2020 @ 2:13am

Make it easy on you! Once every 2-3 days with 30 minutes to catch yourself up. When you're ready to push on with more, then do it, but we'd rather have you less often than lose you to expectations you set that you can't keep up with doing. It is a big adjustment to add a new member to the family, and such a little one takes a lot of attention. We are happy you decided to stay! I would be really sad if you left us!

by Commander Paul Graves PsyD on Fri 10th Jan, 2020 @ 7:06pm

Hey, Rob! I have ADD too; it's a bugger. I don't feel that I'm nearly as efficient as I could be, because of it. My mind goes down rabbit holes, and when I come out, the things I need to do are only half-done, at best, sometimes. I hear you, and we'll leave the light on for ya. It's amazing that you're able to handle the many real-life things you're handling.

Check in when you can; we're thinking of you!
