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March Fleet Report

Posted on Fri 5th Apr, 2019 @ 10:09pm by

Sim Name:
Starbase 109

Task Group:

URL for website:

Name of Commanding Officer:
Suzuki Hikari (Commodore Suzuki).

Noteworthy changes (if any) to your website:
Ongoing reorganization of manifests and wiki.

Number of Members at beginning of month:

Names of Crew Departed during month:

Names of Crew added during month:

Number of crew at end of month:

Title of current mission:
A Diplomatic Affair

Description of current mission:
The Besm, a Federation Protectorate, establish an enclave aboard Starbase 109. Unexpected visitors arrive.

Short summary of mission progress during the month:
The pirate ship Crimson Assurance is brought in by USS Kingfisher; Besm engineers wrap up their modifications to the decks they've leased; A group of high school girls is trapped in a derailed tram car.

Number of Posts:

Average posts per user:

What have you done this month to improve your sim?
Ongoing reorganizations.

Noteworthy event on your sim during the month:
Tram car derailment

Problems (if any) that the command staff should be aware of:

Awards (if any) given during the month:
I really need to get to this, and Susan has presented some excellent suggestions, but I'm slow and dull.

Additional Comments:
Low posting numbers this month, largely because of conflux of Real Life issues among our more proactive members.

Writer of the Month Nomination and reason:
Ruth and Chantal for their intensely character-driven post ( ) "The Properties of Laminated Glass (part I)." As always, these two writers demonstrate past-mastery of writing, digging deep to express character fears and hopes.

Player of the Month Nomination and reason:
Iain and Christina, for being willing to work out who was taking which necessary NPC role for the success of the mission, and for doing such an admirable role of helping advance the mission with those NPCs.

Post of the Month Nomination (and URL):
"Suspended" ( ). A group post, with the exact moment things go wrong for the girls on the tramway. Starbase 109 has a strong and vibrant civilian community, and this post showcases some of the best writing from that branch of our game.


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Comments (1)

by on Sat 6th Apr, 2019 @ 3:50pm

Congratulations to all the nominees, and thanks to Jenny for doing a wonderful job of keeping us on track. I have reason to know what happens on sims when the fearless leader isn't posting, and it isn't a pretty sight! Thanks also to Chantal for keeping us on a timeline. That is so helpful for keeping us from having to clone ourselves to be in two (or more!) places at the same time.