UFP Marines

Created by Colonel Horatio Drake on Mon 4th Jun, 2012 @ 2:28pm

The UFP Marine Corps (UFPMC) is the modern descendant of the naval infantry of the 20th and 21st century. The SFMC is modelled on the British Royal Marines and United States Marine Corps, borrowing elements from both services as well as other marine, naval infantry and army infantry forces from many Federation member planets.

The primary role of the Marines within the fleet is to maintain a well-armed offensive & defensive force for rapid deployment anywhere within Federation and outlying space. Marine detachments are stationed aboard starships and bases where they assist the crew in battles, board enemy ships and conduct planetary actions as well as assist in the protection of starports and bases. They also serve as a landing force; securing an area for transporter or shuttle landing. Unlike security Marines do not walk a patrol, investigate crime or administer the brig and, unlike tactical, Marines do not operate the ship's weaponry.

As a result of their mixed land and space role, Marine forces are mainly specialized in amphibious (figuratively 'of two worlds') assaults using infantry as well as air and spacecraft. They train for many combat scenarios including hostage recovery, rescue of federation citizens caught in the midst of civil war as well as full ground based combat. By 20th century standards the average UFPMC Rifleman is the equivalent of a United States Naval SEAL or a Royal Marine Commando of Great Britain. However, covert intelligent or "black operations" missions are forbidden and no such units exists despite their occurrence in popular entertainment. Like all other areas of Starfleet, the Marine Corps has different specializations, from snipers and fighter pilots to the liaison officers.

Marines on Starbase 109 live, train, and work on decks 119-122. The decks are collectively known as Marine Country, and they include the Marine flight deck/hangar where the fighter craft are housed, maintained, and launched from.