Marine Aerospace Group

Created by Major Jack Dawson on Tue 22nd Jan, 2013 @ 2:48am

Marine Aerospace Group 10

Marine Aerospace Group 10 (also known as Starbase 109 Fighter & Transport Operations Group, or MAG-10) is a Starfleet Marine Corps aerospace unit based at Starbase 109, sometimes known as Vanguard. The unit is multi-role and provides both combat support, hostile intercept, personnel and cargo transport, and training functions to the station.

MAG-10 is composed of four squadrons:-

  • MF-100 Fighter Squadron
  • MFA-115 Attack Squadron
  • MR-140 Transport Squadron
  • MT-102 Training Squadron

MAG-10 is commanded by Captain Brooklyn Wellington, and was originally based at Starbase 212, until its decommissioning as a Starfleet facility in 2388. Due to its multi-role nature, MAG-10 operates various starfighter and smallcraft classes and pilots are expected to maintain competency on more than one class.

MF-100 "Black Knights" Squadron

MF-100 Fighter Squadron, nicknamed "Black Knights," is a starfighter squadron specializing in combat aerospace patrol (CAP) and interception. Equipped with the Raptor-class starfighter, a single-seat close-combat craft, the squadron operates at all hours and maintains a combat aviation patrol around Starbase Vanguard and any vessels requiring escort on a 24-hour basis. In addition, a flight of four starfighters are armed in operational readiness, at all times.

MFA-115 "Spartans" Squadron

MFA-115 Attack Squadron, nicknamed "Spartans," is a starfighter squadron specializing in close air support (CAS) and bombing/attack. Equipped with both the Valkyrie Attack Fighter, and the Broadsword Attack Fighter, the squadron's primary function is to support Marine ground troops; with a secondary function of targeted attack on hostile starships. The Squadron does not act as an interceptor or fighter-to-fighter combat squadron.

MR-140 "Mud Movers" Transport Squadron

MR-140 Transport Squadron, known as the "Mud Movers" provide transport and logistics support in both non-hostile and hostile environments. Operating the myriad of Marine and Starfleet small craft aboard the station, but primarily specialising with the Wyvern Hopper, Firefly and Argo Heavy Cargo Transports, the unit promises to get anything to where it needs to go.

MT-102 Training Squadron

MT-102 Training Squadron is a teaching unit operating within MAG-10. Instructors are chosen from the ranks of the three squadrons, based upon their skill set and the training required. MT-102 are able to train Marine, Starfleet and civilian personnel in small craft flight and operation, and, where appropriate, in combat operations.