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Thu 14th Mar, 2013 @ 2:15pm

Major Jack Dawson

Name Jack Dawson

Position Senior Aerospace Officer

Rank Major

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 31

Physical Appearance

Height 6'0" (1.83m)
Weight 185 lbs (84kg)
Hair Color Dark brown
Eye Color Grey/blue
Physical Description Standing just over average height with an athletic build, Jack looks like a classic Marine. He maintains his physique through a regular training regime and eats healthy. He keeps his dark hair short and simply styled and rarely fails to shave.

On-duty he can usually be found wearing his flight suit or duty uniform and presents himself well. Off-duty he is more comfortable, when in public, in chinos and a polo, but occasionally wears more relaxed clothes.


Spouse None
Children None
Father Col. Thomas Dawson
Mother Annabelle Dawson (dec'd 2375)
Brother(s) William Dawson, b. 2357 (twin)
Sister(s) None
Other Family None of note

Personality & Traits

General Overview A confident, outgoing man, Jack is best described as gregarious. He enjoys the company of others and can often be found socialising with other members of the crew. His attempts to maintain a working distance from junior ranks often fail him as his sociable nature take over. This, coupled with a fondness of flirting with anyone, has gotten him into the reprimand books on a couple of previous occasions.

Jack is opinionated and sarcastic, often the first to offer his point of view, even when it is not required.
Strengths & Weaknesses + Sociable - he makes friends with anyone and does his best to strike up a conversation.
+ Confident and determined - he is an example leader
- Gets too involved with his staff and develops interpersonal relationships, where rank and position should prevail.
- Strong opinions, voiced at the wrong time, often get him into trouble.
Ambitions Jack aims for the highest echelons of Marine Aerospace. Despite his flirtatious and fun personality, he is gradually coming around to the idea that he may need to settle and found a family.
Hobbies & Interests Jack enjoys social activities and can usually be found in the promenade areas, mess halls or pilots lounge, playing poker, drinking, and, very occasionally, singing karaoke. He keeps physically fit and enjoys sports and training, seeing them as a fun way to develop and maintain his physique.

He enjoys interactive holo-novels, particularly anything with a little mystery or adventure involved.

Personal History Early Life

Born in 2357 on Luna, Jack was to be the eldest son, by a matter of minutes, of a Starfleet Marine Corps officer and a colonial councillor. His brother William was born shortly afterwards. The brothers were the pride of their father and the joy of their mother and were brought up to their teenage years on the colony. Jack remembers little of his childhood, other than his father’s discipline and mother’s love until they moved to Starbase 249 in 2369 upon his father being promoted to lead the Marine Detachment there.

He was the classic child of a Marine, educated and gently guided to his future career path throughout sixteen years of childhood, never managing a day without a reminder from his father about how the son’s in the family were all Marines. William, subjected to the same, already had grand ideas of becoming a fighter pilot in the Corps.

Jack graduated from school in 2374 and went on to study a bachelors degree in Starfighter Tactics at the Terra Nova Military Academy, much to the annoyance of his brother, who had always been the one aiming for piloting. It was during the studies that the Dominion War happened and Jack became more determined than ever that he wanted a military career, an ambition which was only compounded by the death of his mother in a Dominion attack on Earth and Luna in 2375.

Despite the grief and loss he felt, he continued his studies after only a three-month break and graduated from the degree in 2377. Jack subsequently applied to the SFMC as he was expected and determined to, entering basic training later that year. William, however, suffered some set back in his life, struck by the grief he fell into depression for over 18 months before finally receiving some counselling and getting his life somewhat back on track.

Starfleet Marine Corps

Jack was an average student in basic training, not at the peak of fitness, nor did he comprehend the standard ground combat tactics required as part of the standard training. His father's influence meant he was selected for Officer Candidate School regardless, but not without a stern warning from the training Sergeant Major that he would have to improve in order to remain in the Corps.

He did as he was asked and left socialising behind for the duration of the OCS, focussing on study and on a physical fitness programme which almost crippled him. As a result he graduated from OCS in the top 15% and his aptitude test results meant he was selected for pilot training.

Jack followed the recommendation starting at Basic Flight School after two days of celebration. He spent the next two years learning to fly everything the SFMC and Starfleet could provide in terms of smallcraft, from fighters to shuttles to transports.

In 2379 he graduated from the Advanced Flight School at Utopia Planitia as a qualified fighter pilot and was assigned to the 1st Marine Aerospace Wing aboard the USS Illustrious with the obligatory rank of 1st Lieutenant.

After three years as a pilot and element leader, Jack was promoted to Captain and made Squadron Leader, transferring in the process to the detachment assigned to Starbase 14.

He spent five years on the small starbase and it wasn't until the Wing Commander recommended his transfer that he moved on, becoming Wing Commander himself, in 2387, of the Marine Aerospace Group attached to Starbase 212.

Jack was only aboard SB212 for fourteen months before Starfleet announced a restructuring of the sector command and handover of the base to the Federation Science Council. With that instruction there was no requirement or desire for a Marine contingent on the base and the group was moved to Starbase Protector.
Service Record [2377 - 2377] Basic Training, Camp Pendleton - Recruit
[2377 - 2378] Officer Candidate School, Camp Pendleton - Officer Cadet
[2378 - 2378] Basic Flight School, Utopia Planitia - 2nd Lieutenant
[2378 - 2379] Advanced Flight School, Utopia Planitia - 2nd Lieutenant
[2379 - 2382] Pilot, 1st Marine Starfighter Wing, USS Indefatigable - 1st Lieutenant
[2382 - 2387] Squadron Leader, 1st Marine Aerospace Wing, Starbase 14 - Captain
[2387 - 2388] Commander, Marine Aerospace Group 10, Starbase 212 - Major
[2388 - Pres] Commander, Marine Aerospace Group 10, Starbase Protector - Major