Posting Policy

Created by Colonel Horatio Drake on Fri 26th Oct, 2012 @ 12:16am

1. Each player character is expected to post once every two weeks.

2. If you have a TAG, please reply to it within 7 days of it being tagged to you.

3. Don't rely on emails to tell you if you have a TAG. Log in to Vanguard's site at least once a week.

4. Posts should be at least 400 words in length for solo posts and personal logs and 600-800 words for joint posts. Excessively short posts don't count. (One short personal log that is less than four lines doesn't count.)

5. Although we all do it, try not to answer a TAG with a couple of words only. Most of the time, it is hard for the other person to have to come up with everything. (Granted, you can usually leave two tags and still be fine.)

6. As per the Player/Character Rules in Theta Fleet, DO NOT write for another Player Character or PNPC.. Do not rewrite another person's tag. Fixing typos is fine as we all miss words from time to time, but do not go beyond that. No one is expected to be perfect.