Mission Ideas

Created by Renato Solis on Wed 30th Aug, 2023 @ 7:16pm

Sanctum": A herd of Farpoint Cnidarians (a.k.a., the jellyfish creatures from TNG Encounter at Farpoint) enter the sector unexpectedly. They take refuge within the Jovian planet Namaka (I've read a few posts where the planet is mentioned. I assume I'm not overlooking some subsequent discovery I haven't read yet). Soon thereafter it becomes clear that they're hiding from someone who wants to exploit / enslave them, like hunters or pirates. It becomes the station's job to protect them, and possibly even communicate with them. Complications arise when tourists, sightseers, and other rubberneckers arrive en masse to have their own look. Like tourists trying to get a selfie with a bear at Yellowstone.
"Gold Rush": This one also involves Namaka. During a routine survey a vast deposit of latinum is discovered at the planet's core. Latinum, of course, being the currency and most valuable element in the Trek universe, and in its basic form it's a liquid. The discovery sets off a massive charge of competing interests to stake their claim. Some are definitely villainous. Things get chaotic pretty quick. Starfleet is tasked with keeping order while treaties are hammered out. And the station is affected by the overwhelming rush of ships and people.
"Tortured Spirits": An ancient alien probe is brought aboard the station. Once there we discover it's actually a prison that contains the disembodied minds of war criminals. Some have gone mad from being locked in their own phantom zone for so long. Of course they get loose and begin wreaking havoc on the station. Destroying things, hurting people, and trying to take control. This one needs some more thought but I've always wanted to do something that's like a ghost story.
-Refugee Crisis sends 5000 or so refugees to SB109, as part of a larger story of Brown Sector becoming a more official part of base operations. How does the station handle the influx, how does Brown Sector change, how are others in the base affected…
-Piracy is not so much of a concern lately, but I got a 7 part post I’ll trot out over the month to reintroduce an outfit Starfleet will have trouble keeping in check. We can dedicate the mission to the rise of piracy and world build the Triangle area we reside in.
-Spy Stuff is always so cool, an incoming Intelligence outfit setting up operations and recruiting or interacting with people to worldbuild the problems coming our way. We got three empires on our border, what threat is incoming possibly?
-Diplomacy can also take a front role, two worlds go to war and its starting to get out of hand, SB109 is on the front lines of a conflict outside of Federation space but still affecting day to day lives.
-We got a Borg character incoming, so why not Borg stuff? Perhaps a presence is detected and the base Anti-Borg protocols are getting an upgrade, like when Worf came to DS9 to help with the Klingons.

Categories: Reference | Starbase 109