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"Are We Being Followed?"

Posted on Fri 29th Jun, 2018 @ 11:46am by Commander Mikaela Locke

307 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Brushfires
Location: USS Falcon - 2 hours out from 109.
Timeline: MD 25: 0934 hours.

“Time until destination?”

Captain Andrus Grax sat in the centre of the U.S.S. Falcon’s bridge. The Defiant-class vessel had been traveling to Starbase 109 for the best part of the last two weeks, and Grax had begun to think that the journey was never going to end.

“Two hours, seventeen minutes,” reported Lieutenant Jansen, without turning around from the combined helm and operations console in front of him.

“Thank the Deities,” Grax exclaimed, wiping his face from top to bottom with his hand.

“Captain?” Jason Fisher turned around from the tactical console, off to Grax’s right.

“What is it, commander?”

“We’ve got incoming.”

“What do you mean?” Grax replied, confused. “Surely no one’s deliberately heading toward us? We’re cloaked, right?” He turned back to main view screen where Fisher had brought up the rear-facing image.

"The cloak's working within normal parameters," Fisher reported, "But it is one of the older models - it does have a couple of known weaknesses."

Grax looked at the image on the screen. "Can you enhance the image?" he asked and a couple of seconds later, the image of the ship was magnified sufficently for Grax to be able to recognise at least some of the markings. "They're pirates," he said, with an air of distain. "You just never know what kind of tech a pirate ship is going to have. Perhaps they are tracking us." He mused to himself for a couple of seconds. "Adjust course," he ordered Jansen, "take us away from 109 for a bit. Let's see if they're interested in the base or if they're interested in us."

"Adjusting course," Jensen replied without turning around, "Bearing two-seven-five, mark zero-one-six."

Grax sat back in his chair, his eyes still transfixed on the screen. "Okay," he said quietly, "Your move."


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Comments (1)

By on Mon 2nd Jul, 2018 @ 11:34pm

Oooh, yes, more pirate interaction, and I can hardly wait to see just who the pirates find more interesting!