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On the Hunt

Posted on Sun 22nd Apr, 2018 @ 2:44pm by Lieutenant Commander Alora Baro

522 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Brushfires
Location: Captain's Ready Room
Timeline: MD 8, 16:00

In her usual uniform of pockets filled with random tools and spare parts with a repair kit over one shoulder Alora arrived for her meeting with the Captain looking only slightly rumpled. Lt. Baro tapped on the door chime for the new Captain’s office. Well strictly speaking it was just the Captain’s office but now had it’s third occupant since Baro had arrived. Which seemed odd to her since it was only a few months ago. Still best to roll with it, at least the new Captain seemed alright, time would tell she supposed.

The door slid open, giving a view across the large office. The Captain was sitting in a comfortable looking chair in front of a newly-installed holographic fireplace, a lap PADD set across the chair's armrests. "Come in, Lieutenant," she called. "What can I do for you today?"

Alora glanced quickly about the room, she certainly made it homey, "Yes Ma'am" She paused ordering her thoughts. "I have a report here. We've finished the after action analysis on the USS Samurai." She stopped there, holding the PADD. Her voice was gentle, sympathetic but professional.

"Thank you," Suzuki answered. "Flip me the file?" She paused for a moment as the file transfered through the local network. "Anything I should know before I read it?"

A bit more relieved due to the Captain's reaction she continued, attempting to keep it to the most important points, "The most relevant parts involve the data on the Romulan plasma weapons that had been used." This included the analysis of the surviving sensor logs, eyewitness reports, and damage from the Samurai itself. "And how the transporter safety interlock temporarily locked down the Samurai's shields with possible suggestions on how to safely cut down time on that process. It is somewhat guess work as we had trouble reconstructing certain data but it's as complete as we can make it I forwarded the report to the new intel officer."

Suzuki nodded. The moments prior to Samurai's bridge falling on her were fuzzy in her memory, but she'd reviewed the ship's visual log. "I also asked Mr. Miller to look into the wider questions."

Baro nodded, "Yes Ma'am, that being said, I wanted to propose an expedition to the site of the attack, to determine if anymore data could be gathered in order to give us the best possible chance at tracking these pirates. My plan was to invite Mr. Miller along for his insight, piloted by Marine Captain MacBain with a fighter escort for safety."

Suzuki looked up from the PADD and considered Baro for a long moment, the gears of her mind almost visibly clicking over. "Authorized," she responded after a long moment. "Take one of the Arrows," she said, referring to the scouting runabouts, small, fast, heavily sensor-laden craft. "Come back safely."

"Yes Ma'am, with your permission I'll prepare immediately, we should check it out as soon as possible."

Suzuki nodded. "Good hunting, Lieutenant."

"Thank you Ma'am." With a nod she left briskly, opening a com channel to the people she needed to talk desiring to waste no time on the hunt.


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