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The Shade Protocol

Posted on Mon 23rd Apr, 2018 @ 4:09pm by

892 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Brushfires
Location: Dockside Cafe

Captain Suzuki watched as Henry Perry walked away, then turned to his sister, still seated at the table with her. "Just wait 'til he tries to find the place to insert that key!"

A smile creeped on Isabella's face as she was unsure how to take the Captains joke. She didn't know if she was nervous because of everything she had heard about Suzuki from her brother and the way he admired her, or was she intimidated by the Captains impressive record. Either way, she knew she would have to figure it out. She wasn't use to working beside those on the caliber of Suzuki Hikari. It wasn't that long ago that she was dealing with the scum of the universe, trying to get intel for Starfleet.

"I'm sure he will find a place for it ma'am. Even if he has to create one." Isabella said as she looked onto her new commanding officer. As Isabella looked at her, she was still intimidating, even if she had to temporarily use a cane to get around.

Suzuki chuckled and nodded. She started to collect her cane. "Is there anything you needed to talk about, Lieutenant?"

"Yes ma'am." She replied as she reached into her cargo pocket and retrieved a PADD. She handed it over to the Captain and let her read over for a few seconds before she began to explain.

"As you already know, Colonel Drake died because we didn't follow protocol and honestly, I think he was a bit disturbed. No offense. But I plan to change that." The Security Chief looked on at her Captain while she looked over the PADD.

"I am familiar with General Order 15, Lieutenant," Suzuki said rather dryly. "Which, as far as I can tell, Colonel Drake did not violate. He had a platoon of Marine Raiders and his Chief of Security with him."

Isabella sat back in her chair, not quite able to read the captains response. "In my opinion, the violation occurred when he didn't listen to his Security Chief or second in command. And as far as the marines go, they were so happy at the chance to go shoot something, they would would have done whatever the Colonel said. Not everything needs a hammer as the solution ma'am."

Suzuki nodded. "Alright. I can't promise not to do dangerous things. As an infamous past Captain remarked, 'risk is our business.' And you can't lead from the back; the intelligence is old and the view is lousy. Nor may you assume command over your Commanding Officer." She picked up her cup, but didn't sip from it. "However, I have a wife, and a daughter. I have no intention of leaving them a widow and an orphan. So what I can promise is to listen to and consider any suggestions you may have about my security."

Isabella sat there with a puzzled look on her face before she realized the captain essentially agreed to her Shade protocols. "I understand ma'am. Do you have any particular requests or concerns in reference to your security?"

"No, but thank you," Suzuki said, finally taking the sip which emptied her mug. "I'm sure that you and Mr. Mejia have things well in hand. It's nice to know people are thinking about me."

"Well, I can't let anything happen to you ma'am. Henry would never forgive me if I did." Isabella shifted in her seat so that she could sit up straighter. "You know, he really admires you ma'am. But not only that, he looks at you as family. He does that for all of the crew of Samurai, but more so for the senior staff. Henry would regale me with stories about what happened on away mission, or something funny that Riko would say on the bridge. Honestly, it's those stories and sense of camaraderie that made want to come in from the fringes of space. It can get very lonely on your own out there."

Isabella paused for a second after she realized how long she had been talking. She wasn't quite sure if she should have said some of that to her commanding officer. She didn't even know why she said those things. She wasn't usually one for talking about her wants and needs to a stranger. And that's essentially what Suzuki was to her: a stranger. Isabella couldn't explain it, but she did feel comfortable around the Captain. Was it because she heard her brother talk so much about her and the crew of Samurai? She didn't quite know, but it had been said and she was didn't quite know how Suzuki would respond.

"Henry is a good friend, and one of my daughter's Oji-chan," Suzuki answered. "Why don't you and I start off the same way he and I did? Come by our quarters for dinner."

"That would be wonderful." Isabella said as she smiled at the invitation. Her mind raced back to everything her brother told her about Suzuki Hikari, and she was finding it to be true herself.

"You let me know when and I'll will bring some wine to go along with our meal" The Chief said . "And one more thing ma'am. You've spent more time with my brother than I have for the past couple of years. Any ammunition I could use for our sibling rivalry?"


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