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Just trying to get here sooner

Posted on Wed 18th Apr, 2018 @ 10:24pm by Captain Ranulf MacBain
Edited on on Fri 20th Apr, 2018 @ 2:17pm

709 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Brushfires
Location: space/flight deck
Timeline: MD2 morning


Ranulf had hitched a ride on patrol ship passing close to the base. He had launched at warp despite the dangers so as not to delay the ship he was hitching a ride upon. He had used the Raptor's max warp and it was still a four hour flight to Vanguard. Word was they had sustained some losses to pirates and he was anxious to get aboard. After nearly three years with an Exploration ship and never firing his weapons except during training exercises he was beginning to wonder if he had lost his edge. He did not want to miss the action if there was to be any. He enjoyed being in space like this, the fighter seemed a thing skin between him and the black of space. The flight just excited him more.

As he neared the base he reported in to flight control and requested permission to land. The exchange proved her was indeed Captain MacBain but he was not due here for three days. "I caught a ride that was passing nearby sooner the the supply transport was due to arrive. I am now here and ready to report in." His explanation accepted he was put into the landing pattern and within a short time landed in the marine fighter bay. Once aboard he took directions from a tech to park his Razor before shutting it down. Climbing out he saw a Gunny approaching and walked over to meet him. He smiled at the Andorian "Captain MacBain Gunny, just arrived as you can see." He offered a PADD with a copy of his orders for the Gunny to verify. "What can you tell me about the unit Gunny. I heard you had some trouble in this sector recently."

Thav looked over the orders. "Welcome to Starbase Vanguard, Sir. Most of our pilots are green having never experienced combat but the CAg keeps us on our toes. As for the pirates, we simply provided and interception but the grunts and security did most of the work, though we lost the base's CO in the process."

Ranulf had a difficult time hiding his shock. No wonder no one was saying much about the attack. "Gunny tell me more, what sort of boats did the pirates use and where was the base CO that he was in harms way? He had planned on asking about standard post flight maintenance but now he was more interested in how the Base got compromised.

Thav's antennae twitched as he thought back to the incident. "I know they were trying to escape the system in a freighter but were intercepted by the CAG and her wingman. All I know about the CO ordeal is that he went aboard and was stabbed and killed, sir."

"That is fine Gunny, I did not mean to sound like I was grilling you. I was just curious. I understand I am taking over the BlackKnights. What can you tell me about their readiness and maintenance problems. If there are pilots I need to watch as well if you are of a mind to help me make things better."

"The squadron is ready for combat deployment, sir," Thav replied. "The CAG has made readiness a priority since Day One. As I stated, there are a few green pilots but they appear to be coming along fine in training."

MacBain looked over the flight deck trying to see what shape it was in. He sighed "thanks Gunny, can you point out where I go to see Colonel Wellington. Sooner I report in the sooner I can find out where things stand."

"You'll find the doors to the department offices just aft of the flight deck , Sir," Thav responded pointing to a smaller corridor next to the main exit.

"Thank you Gunny, once I get checked in and am officially on duty I will call a meeting for the pilots and Techs assigned to my squadron. Thanks for this talk. I will check back this evening on my Raptor. I need to meet my plane captain anyway." Ranulf nodded his head as he strode off to meet his new CO. This was something he was nervous about. He had never been part of anything so large before.



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Comments (1)

By on Thu 19th Apr, 2018 @ 11:36pm

Send that boy to shoot something before he explodes! LOL Nicely played.