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Posted on Thu 15th Mar, 2018 @ 4:47pm by Lieutenant Anjohl Gaden MD & Lieutenant Commander Lanis Dhuro MD

523 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Brushfires
Location: Primary Sickbay, Starbase 109
Timeline: MD 1, 15:10

Chlamydia Addams leaned back in her chair, looking through a third-scale holograph of Colonel Drake's nervous system at her department deputy, Anjohl Gaden, and her Chief of Surgery, Dhuro Lanis. " I thought I would see if you had any other insights," she said.

"What astounds me," Lanis said, "is that you were able to detect any thiotimoline at all. Considering that Drake was an adult human male, with a body consisting of about 60 percent water, that stuff should have dissolved completely." He thought for a moment. "That it didn't points to a low degree of willosity in the patient, doesn't it?"

"I haven't completed my evaluation yet," Gaden offered, "but, I think I may have found an anomaly. I think there may have been a slow-acting poison. The murderer may have acted some time ago."

Doctor Addams leaned back in her chair and blinked slowly at Doctor Anjohl. "That's... an intriguing theory," she said after searching for the right word for several seconds. She glanced at Doctor Dhuro, then back at Anjohl. "Tell me... those bone samples I gave you; how is your analysis coming?"

Before Anjohl could respond, however, the head nurse, Lieutenant Dave Longworth, stuck his head in the door. "Sorry to disturb you, doctors, but we have a serious situation. USS Samurai has arrived at the outer markers. They say they've lost most of their medical staff, and they have a couple hundred wounded."

"When it rains, it pours, I believe is the appropriate Terran phrase," Gaden said, "I guess we'll have to table this discussion until another time. I can take charge of the auxiliary sickbay with your permission ma'am. It sounds like we're going to need it."

"A couple hundred?" Lanis frowned. "That sounds like most of a ship's complement," he said. Lanis picked up his PADD from his lap and began tapping at it. "I'm removing OR's 1 and 2 from the schedule now. Number 3 is in the middle of a neonatal cardiac procedure; I don't want to disturb them unless I have no choice. Four through six are all non-critical surgeries, and I can get them postponed." He glanced back at Chlamydia. "We might have to borrow a couple of OR's from the CDA clinic if the incoming patients are critical enough. Gaden, do you think you'll have enough space down in Auxiliary?"

"With that many potential victims, I'm not certain, but, I'm used to less than ideal situations, I'll make do."

"Deep breath, gentlemen. This is a starship arriving at the outer markers," Addams said, standing up. "Anyone who isn't stable is already dead." She looked at Anjohl, "Yes; take the auxiliary sickbay. Mr. Longworth, you're with me on triage. Round up as many corpsmen as you can lay hands on, and get them to the harbor. We'll meet the wounded coming off the ship and triage there. Lanis, do you feel comfortable with the skill levels of the FCDA surgeons? Can we route lower-acuity patients to them?"

"Yes," Lanis replied. "They've got a workable ED down there, and the surgeons know what they're doing."

Addams nodded. "Then, gentlemen, let us be about it."


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Comments (1)

By on Fri 16th Mar, 2018 @ 3:01am

I hope we get back to autopsy results, but what a nicely engineered interruption.