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Picnic in January, Part III

Posted on Wed 7th Feb, 2018 @ 11:10pm by Commander Paul Graves PsyD & Lieutenant Commander Alora Baro

894 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: A Phaser as Deadly as a Candlestick
Location: Tivoli Gardens, Paul Graves' home
Timeline: 239301.35

"Hold my hand, Punkin, until we get to Dr. Graves' house," Tony said to his 4-year-old daughter. Arabella was looking around at everything as she trotted along to keep up with her father's long steps.

"Slow down, Daddy! I can't keep up wif you!" she complained. Of course, her father complied. "Are all dese new howsays?"

"I don't know. I imagine a lot of them are, because I don't think Tivoli Gardens is that old, Anthony replied.

His sister added, "Sometimes things are built to look older than they are."

"We gots a new howse, but it's not like dese!" the little girl observed.

Her father guided her into the pathway leading up to Dr. Graves' new home. "No, Punkin, it isn't, but ours is perfect for us for right now."

Bella looked up at her dad and smiled, "I like my new woom. Thank you for da green munkney."

Janetta rang the bell while Tony smiled at his daughter. A burst of laughter echoed from the back yard, and Janetta said, "I think all the action is outside. Let's check around back. Here, let me take the cake and you carry Bella." They made that exchange, and headed around back by a pebbled walkway that led that direction.

Alora was demonstrating how she could put all of her weight on one hand and arm holding her off the ground. She managed it for about ten seconds before she fell laughing into the ground. Standing, she endured some good natured jokes from her friends as she caught sight of the new comers, a sucker for kids she waved at them welcomingly.

"That was amazing control!" exclaimed Janetta.

"Can I twy it?" Bella asked eagerly.

"For now," her dad answered, "I think you better keep both hands on the ground." To distract her, he said, "Let's see if the pond has any fish in it." Bella trotted along beside him happily.

"I'm glad she was easily diverted from that one," Janetta laughed. "I'm Janetta ... McCabe, Anthony's sister," she said, hesitating slightly over her last name. "It's nice to meet you."

Alora stood up looking a little sheepish, "I didn't mean to set off a small child. They are so eager to try new anything..." She smiled and offered her hand, "Lt. Baro Alora, Ops Chief. Nice to meet you."

Taking the woman's hand and giving it a brief, firm shake, Janetta said, "It doesn't take much with that one anyway. I've been here less than a month, but I do like Vanguard, and Tivoli Gardens ... it would be nice to have a place down here. Do you live here, too?"

"Well nearish, I think a few decks that way..." She pointed into the distance, "It's more of a small farm in the grasslands, but it reminds me of home and I like it well enough. Apparently the neighbors have these giant chickens one can ride, called chocobos. Much more interesting than standard quarters for certain. You should look, the realtor I used was very knowledgeable." She offered helpfully.

"Oh? I think we hadn't investigated because we presumed it would be too costly for us to live down here. Anthony has only just been promoted to lieutenant. I know several people who do live somewhere in the Gardens, though, so maybe we should check it out. The chokebows certainly sound like something Miss Bella would enjoy trying!" Janetta grinned.

Alora smiled, it had been a little pricey but she hardly never spent anything and had made some decent investments, "Just have to ask the neighbors," Alora replied as they continued their conversation.

Isabella walked down the pathway towards the Graves home with gift in tow. The whole walk there, she wondered if her gift of a Denobulan statue would be alright. She quickly placed the thought out of her mind and continued to the front door of the house. She then rang the bell and waited for an answer.

Marin threw open the door. "Come on in," she invited, laughing. "The party's moving out back, where the food is. You know how that goes. I'm Marin Holmes, chef at Orchids & Jazz. I think Dr. Graves is out back making something that smells delicious."

Catching a glimpse of the statue, she exclaimed, "Oh, my! Is that a Denobulan figure? The good doctor will love that! I'm sure his new home will have the perfect corner for it, too!"

Isabella handed the statute over to Marin and stepped into the home. She immediately noticed how immaculate the setup was and marveled at the skill it must have taken to decorate it.

"Wow, this is a really beautiful home. Who did the decorating?" Isabella wondered if she could ever settle down and live in something this nice. Although she loved the simplicity of a standard room aboard a starship, she felt a little envious of the good Doctor.

"Now that you'd have to ask Dr. Graves." Marin set the statue down in a spot she cleared on the table holding house-warming gifts, reflecting on the enduring custom of helping a new homeowner set up housekeeping. "Come on out back and I'll introduce you. I happened to hear the doorbell when I came in for a box of ice. Let me grab that from the kitchen, and we can go on out. Games are just getting started, too."


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