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Orion Connection Pt. 3

Posted on Sun 10th Dec, 2017 @ 12:15am by

970 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: A Phaser as Deadly as a Candlestick
Location: Orion Slaver Vessel Blackheart

Leah had paced about her small cell for what seemed like an eternity as she contemplated on how to escape. She was not a trained fighter, nor had any decent engineering skills. Her skill set focused on business, politics, and people. Here in this cell aboard this ship, she was helpless and it was a feeling she both feared and hated.

"You must not waste your energy pacing around without a goal," came the voice of Varr'dak.

"It beats sitting on that cold deck," Leah replied, frustrated crossing her arms in the process.

The doors to the holding area slid open as the familiar form of Jake Cordell entered the room. He waited until the doors closed before making his way over to Leah's cell. "Miss Jamison, I was able to confiscate some components that will allow me to build a small EMP device. However, ti will only be strong enough to affect a twelve foot radius."

"Thank you..." Leah paused as she sniffed the air. There was a putrid odor coming from Jake. "What is that smell?"

" order to procure these components, I had to rig an accident with the toilets by reversing the flow with added back pressure."

"You nasty old bastard!" Varr'dak interjected.

Leah bit her lip to keep from laughing. "How long will it take?"

"Maybe an hour," Jake said as he moved over to a nearby corner and sat down. His hands produced several small components that he began to tinker with and connect together. His fingers moved with a fluidity seen by by only senior level engineers.

Leah watched Jake for a few moments before she decided they would need a plan on how to overcome the ship's security measures. They would need weapons and all of this depended on how quickly they could release the other prisoners and then they would have the required numbers to take the ship. She looked at Varr'dak. She would have to release him first as his experience would prove vital. Her mind then turned to another question about her entire ordeal thus far--Tomar had claimed that this was his ship and that he worked for the Syndicate, yet how did you run this ship if he wasn't present for several years as he had been at her side? That part didn't add up for her.

"Mr. Cordell, who else commands this ship? Tomar couldn't have done so as he was in my presence for several years So either he has someone extremely loyal which isn't likely in the Syndicate or someone else is in command," Leah asked.

Jake looked up at the woman for a moment before replying. "Yes, there is someone else but...he is unknown to me. I have only ever seen Tomar or the guards."

'Another mystery,' Leah thought. "Nobody has seen...wait, you said 'he', not they or she. What aren't you telling me, Mr. Cordell?" Leah's voice was more stern this time.

Jake shook his head as he returned to his work. "I am sorry, Miss Jamison. The real captain is your ex-husband, Mr. Jacob Williams."

Leah stood is disbelief at what she heard. "Jacob...why--why didn't you tell me this earlier?!"

"Because I wanted to spare you the reality as you seem to be worried enough," Jake replied, keeping his attention on his work.

"This can't be happening...Jacob was never into profits. What the hell happened to make him join the Syndicate?" Leah wondered out loud.

Jake shook his head. "No idea, Miss Jamison."

Leah remained quiet as she thought about her situation and what she had learned so far. None of it mad any sense to her. An hour later Jake stood and approached Leah's cell. "I'm finished."

"Good, now you said they range will only be about twelve feet?" Leah asked.

"Yes, Miss Jamison," Jake replied. "What's the plan?"

"Go get one of the guards and I'll get him to drop my cell fields. Once that happens, activate the EMP so you and Varr'dak are free to take out the guard. Then we need to release the other prisoners. But we need to disarm these collars and release Varr'dak's restraints first," Leah explained.

"I believe I can hack the Capellan's restraints and every guard carries a collar control switch," Jake replied. "Just give me a minute." Jake moved over to Varr'dak and keyed in several numbers on a small control pad on the shackles. A moment later, the shackles released. "The EMP will render our collars inactive and likely the guard's control switch so we will have to take out another guard and use their switch."

Var'dakk let out a laugh as he rubbed his wrists in celebration of his new freedom.

"Just act like you're still restrained until I activate the EMP," Jake explained. "Now to get the guard in here," Jake replied, turning to Leah.

As Jake moved to the door, Leah doubled over, grabbing her stomach and screamed.

"The new one is having an attack of some sort!" Jake exclaimed to the guard as he exited the cell.

"What are you talking about? What is all of that racket?!" the Orion guard demanded as he entered the holding area and moved to Leah's cell where she was still doubled over in pain and screaming.

"See, something is wrong. You have to help her!" Jake said.

"Let the human woman die!" the guard said.

"If she dies, the boss will be really mad," Jake replied more urgently.

The guard sighed as he knew the old man was right. The boss would throw him out the nearest airlock if one of the prisoners died under his guard. "Fine! Move back!"

As the guard pressed the the button to drop the cell fields, Jake pulled the EMp device from his pocket and activated it.



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Comments (1)

By on Thu 14th Dec, 2017 @ 7:58am

This reminds me of waiting for the Saturday Buck Rogers episode at the movies when I was little - just a little teaser every week. LOL