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Posted on Thu 26th Oct, 2017 @ 3:17am by

408 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Unity Week
Location: Unknown Senior Enlisted Quarters
Timeline: MD 5, late night

Note: This is not Jade's story. It is Raela's.

The first thing she was aware of was a pounding in her head. She knew opening her eyes would be a mistake, but they opened anyway. A low moan assaulted her ears, and then she realized she was the one moaning and closed her eyes again. Raela worked to make the moaning stop. Eventually, it did.

The next time she awakened, there was no moaning, and her head was only knocking against her skull. This time when she opened her eyes, she looked around, trying to figure out where she was, even who she was. Above her head, the ceiling was gray. That wasn't normal, but she wasn't sure what would be.

Her toes wiggled and her fingers worked. She brought a hand up to rub her forehead. She stopped with it in mid-air. It didn't seem like a part of her, though it had responded to her thought. She felt ... disembodied ... disconnected. The hand continued its way to her temple and rubbed gently, but it didn't help. Slowly, she rolled over on her side. The room spun around her and went black.

The third time she woke up, Raela was on her side, and when she opened her eyes, she saw a table next to the surface where she lay. It held a glass and a plate. Suddenly, she realized how thirsty she was. This time, she was able to sit up, even though the room still shifted unsteadily around her.

Inhaling and exhaling deeply several times helped, and she reached for the glass. Sniffing the contents yielded nothing suspicious and, when she drank, it tasted like normal water. She was grateful and drank it all. As she set the glass back down, she noticed the plate again - a segmented orange lay there, fresh and tempting. By the time she ate that, she felt much better, enough to notice her surroundings.

She was in the quarters of an enlisted crewman, someone with seniority who didn't have to share, but still a small area. That didn't mean anything. It was merely where she was, an obviously unassigned space. Raela frowned, trying to remember how she'd gotten here. She could remember walking on the River Walk, and then ... nothing. Nothing at all.

The effort of thinking made her head hurt more and she quit. She lay back on the bed, her eyes drifting closed. She'd think about it later.


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