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The Deep End

Posted on Fri 8th Sep, 2017 @ 4:01am by Lieutenant Commander Alora Baro
Edited on on Thu 21st Sep, 2017 @ 9:44pm

519 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Unity Week
Location: Runabout
Timeline: MD 1/0930


Prior to Lt. Commander Graves message informing her where and when to report, and indeed before her runabout docked, newly minted Lt. Baro Alora watched the monster station come closer in her viewport. An Ensign deftly handled the controls so all Lt. Baro had to do was to watch the station, with a greater complexity and population than some planets, come closer. Well watch and continue to study the mountains of data that had come with the new assignment.

Hazel eyes had narrowed more than once and more than once she had fought the urge to panic a little. Her department alone had thousands of engineers, personnel officers, admin, logistical, communications, yeomen, port masters and so on. The list seemed endless. There were three ops centers that carried bits of the load and those were manned. Plus every so many decks were workshops, repair stations, supply caches. The list of responsibilities also seemed endless. Her office seemed less of an office more of a mini ops center with work shops, storage, meetings rooms and few small offices of its own.

Her last ship, a deep space vessel called the Pathfinder, the entire crew had been less than 200. She wasn’t sure she would be able to learn all the crew in her new section by sight let alone the entire crew compliment. The USS Pathfinder had completed a 3 year mission into lands unknown and upon that completion her CO had recommended her for this assignment. Alora sometimes wondered what her Skipper had been thinking but three years built a lot of trust so Spanners, as was her nickname, would make a go of it. After all she’d never turned down a challenge yet.

Just because she was being asked to keep a large space city, well basically, running smoothly shouldn’t be a problem. So she told herself, as often as was needed, as she had broken down the huge amounts of data and organized them into lists, projects, charts and the like. As she organized the chaos, her mind had settled a bit more and things began to look more manageable. Her analytical taking its share of the load as she made her attack plans. She studied data, schematics, and generally tried to get a handle on it before she arrived and was expected to step right into someone shoes. Maybe she could contact the previous holder of this position for pointers and had made a mental note to follow up on that idea later.

For now her pilot was talking to the flight officer and began the docking sequence. Lt. Baro went to grab her gear, which comprise of a backpack and a portable repair kit with an over the shoulder strap, the rest would meet her in her quarters. The repair kit was odd but she learned a long time ago that something usually needed fixing as soon as you were the furthest possible point away from whatever tool you needed. And so with a “Good luck Ma’am,” from the Ensign and a deep breath of her own she stepped onto the station.


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Comments (1)

By on Sat 23rd Sep, 2017 @ 4:42am

Great first contact! I enjoyed that bit of history and seeing how her mind works.