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Sheriff of Vanguard

Posted on Mon 15th May, 2017 @ 6:41pm by Lieutenant Commander Solan Jekkar
Edited on on Thu 8th Jun, 2017 @ 2:14pm

718 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Unity Week
Location: Chief Security Officers Office

"Alright I'll make this very brief and to the point, you are both damn lucky that the owner of the Tavern isn't having charges pressed against you and your crews." Jekkar said as he sat back in his chair and read through the PADD. "Resisting Arrest, Drunk and Disorderly, Brawling on the Promenade and extensive damage to O'Leary's Pub." The Andorian shot a deeply cold glare to the Human and the Caitan stood before him.

"Tell it to the fur ball who couldn't handle his booze." The Human said as he stood there in shackles.

"Says the Human who missed his best shot at knocking me on my ass." The Caitan said as the two men descended into petty arguing in front of the Stations Security Chief.

Jekkar slammed his hand down onto the Desk with a ferocious amount of anger. The two men and the Security Offficers escorting them practically jumped out of their skins. "Alright enough! I frankly don't care who started it or what it was about." The Andorian commented to them both, clearly not in the mood for squabbling. "You are both to pay for the damages you caused at O'Leary's within 28 days or face the prospect of prosecution."

The two men were about to protest but Jekkar raised his hand to cut them off. "I haven't finished." He then scrolled down his PADD. "Your docking requests state that you are both to depart at 08:00 hours tomorrow, I frankly am not prepared to have you here any longer so you and your Ships will be prepared to leave at 19:00 hours this evening."

"Commander, we have been carrying our Cargo from Alpha Centari all this way we are entitled to some R&R." The Human said in protest to the Commander.

"And we have travelled from the Gamma Quadrant." The Caitan said to Jekkar.

Jekkar gave them both a look. "That isn't my problem, consider this your only warning on this matter." Jekkar commented. "We have your full Ships details and information logged into our Database and will be forwarding it to every commerce zone within 40 lightyears as well as your employers, you are not to set foot on this Station for 14 days as per regulations." the Andorian motioned to the two Security Officers. "Now if you will go with those two gentlemen I do believe you have 59 minutes and........58 seconds before your scheduled to depart."

With a protest and argument the two men were escorted from Jekkars Office as Summerby made his way inside. He heard the human mutter something in dutch under his breath. "The Commander doesn't have the female reproductive organs to the best of my knowledge." Summerby commented with a chuckle as approached the desk. "Little harsh don't you think?"

"Consequences of brawling in a Public place on my Station." Jekkar said smirking as he poured himself and Summerby a cup of tea. "What's up Clive?"

"That background information you wanted on our mysterious book shop owner." He said handing him the PADD. "No prior information in the Database, he's squeaky clean well under the name you gave me." He commented as he sat down and picked up the cup.

"Did you run facial recognition with the image listed on the lease?" Jekkar asked as he looked at the information.

Summerby nodded. "Double checked it myself and again nothing, unless he is a shape shifter or underwent cosmetic surgery." The Human Lieutenant took a sip. "Maybe he's just a big fan of your work Chief."

Jekkar shook his head. "There is something strange about him and I want to explore every avenue but I write him off as head of the Solan Jekkar fan club." The Adnorian was still perplexed about the previous encounter but he knew without evidence he had to give it a wide birth...For now.

"Oh message from Saeed, he says that Ferengi merchant has been seen selling counterfeit Bajoran Fertiliy Pendants in the Eastern Quarter again." Summerby commented.

"Great that's all we need today, first a brawl in O'Leary's and now counterfeit goods." Jekkar said as he finished his tea and got up to go and pursue it.

Summerby followed on after the Commander. "Stand back everyone there is a new Sherriff on Vanguard." He chuckled as he hummed the tune to a wild west film.


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Comments (2)

By on Tue 16th May, 2017 @ 1:31am

Fun! I especially enjoyed the sentencing. =)

By Commander Paul Graves PsyD on Tue 16th May, 2017 @ 5:31am

Yea, Caitians!!