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An Embassy Arrives

Posted on Sat 6th May, 2017 @ 12:46pm by

349 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Wrongs Darker Than Death Or Night
Location: Station Operations

Lieutenant Edna Kala had the deck in Station Operations; she had an hour left in her watch, and was thinking wistfully of a simulated beach and a drink in a coconut shell. She was debating the merits of miniature paper umbrellas when Sensor Operator First Class Vilhjalmsson spoke. "Realspace reversion," he announced. "Beyond the outer markers. Sensors read 'unaligned diplomatic cruiser.'"

"Very well," Kala responded, turning toward communications with the intent of issuing instructions to hail the vessel.

"We're being hailed," Chief Kidd reported. "By the People's Starship Chopped Liver."

"In the tank," Kala responded, suppressing a smirk at the name.

Within the holographic sphere the ops center crew referred to as 'the tank,' an image took shape, of a man with unusually large eyes, fire-engine red hair and a van dyke beard. "Good afternoon," he said in a pleasant baritone voice with a slight accent. "I am Ambassador Jewel, representing the People and Senate of the Republic of Home."

"Good afternoon, Ambassador," Kala said, glancing at Chief Kidd. The Chief Petty Officer understood the glance and threw an infobox into the tank where Kala could see it. Republic of Home, she read quickly, Vega II. Besm, only provisionally a member of the Federation. Twenty Besm were resident on the station. "With what could we be assisting you today?"

"We should like to dock," the Ambassador said with a smile. "And, if it is convenient, we should like to speak with your station commander. If it is not convenient, we would still like to speak with your station commander, but we are willing to wait."

Kala nodded. "Our communications officer is now sending you docking protocols," the Lieutenant said, glancing at Kidd, who nodded. "Colonel Drake, Commander Hunt, and Lieutenant Commander Graves are all engaged in other duties, but I will notify them of your request."

"Thank you," the Ambassador said, inclining his head. "I look forward to hearing from them."

As the ambassador's image faded from the tank, Kala glanced at the timeline. Paper umbrella, she decided. Today was clearly a paper umbrella kind of day.


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Comments (2)

By on Sun 7th May, 2017 @ 3:36am

Oooooh, tantalizing! Love this tongue-in-cheekiness. You already have Besm coming aboard. Well, my question still stands.

By Commander Paul Graves PsyD on Sun 7th May, 2017 @ 4:24pm

Does this happen close to the time of 49-Alpha or later?