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Suraya Bay

Posted on Tue 2nd May, 2017 @ 11:39pm by Commander Zachary Hunt

1,556 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Wrongs Darker Than Death Or Night
Location: Holosuite Three

It had been a while since the skiing trip between Hunt and Leah. Since then, both of them barely had time to do anything else but work. He had however managed to get an evening off, long after everything had happened aboard. He had decided to send an invite out to Leah to meet him outside his private quarters before going out for the evening. He hadn't actually planned anything, but just thought they could wing it as that generally worked out better for him at times.

As Leah made her way down the corridor, dressed in casual white pants with a grey top and white sports jacket, with she wondered to herself why she agreed to a second date with Commander Hunt. Tomar had been persistent that he accompany her but she had succeeded in getting him to stay at HQ. If only more employees of Disney Interstellar took their jobs as seriously as Tomar did. Leah rounded the corner and was reminded of why she had agreed to a second date as she took in Commander Hunt's handsome form.

Hunt himself had forgotten how beautiful Leah was as well. The first date was great, more than he could have wished for. There was a connection between the two of them and a lot of laughter. Plus, a dodgy wrist at the end of it. The wrist hadn't sat right for Hunt since then, but it was just a niggly thing he got on with. He smiled at Leah as she walked towards him, embracing her with a hug, "It's good to see you again!"

It's good to see you as well," she said, accepting the hug--it was something she had grown apart from doing. Keeping distance and an emotional detachment in her line of work benefited her. Some would say it had made her cold and heartless but nothing was farther from the truth. "So, I hope there is something planned that doesn't involve snow," she grinned.

Hunt laughed, "No snow this time, I haven't actually made a plan for once. I thought we could wing it. So we can grab something to eat, we could do something sporty, explore a holodeck, entirely your choice." He smiled towards her, the surprise of not knowing what to do excited him a little bit.

Leah grinned as her mind raced. "Got it. I'll show you a beach on Risa near where I grew up on the holosuite, so I hope you can swim better than you ski."

He let out a laugh, "Trust me, I can swim...A bit better then the skiing! It sounds like a great idea!"

"Good. So, how is your wrist by the way?" she asked as they began walking down the corridor to a nearby turbolift.

He rubbed his wrist as she asked that, "Well it feels normal enough, but I do get these niggly little pains that I just live with. Maybe I should get that checked. How's business been since our trip?"

"It's going well despite those whiny Bajorans throwing a temper tantrum. Lucky for them it didn't disrupt business in any significant factors," Leah said as they entered the turbolift. "Holosuite Three," she ordered as the computer chirped and the lift began it's journey through the massive station.

"Sounds the same old to me with the Bajorans," He through a joke glance around. "Hopefully no one else heard that! Do you always think business? Or do you get time to explore other things?"

"Mostly," she said. "I have a entire business in this sector to run and make profits for...but yes, I do tend to find time for archery, dance, and history has always held a fascination for me."

"Yeah that's a very good point. I would like to come and see some of your business side of things one day? What it's like to be CEO of such a great company. If you don't mind that is? I'm not a fan of history, I always feel that you get stuck in the past and don't think of the future as much."

"Oh?" she said stepping out of the turbolift as it came to a halt and the doors opened to the holosuite level. "Yet, as the old saying goes, if we do not learn from history, we are doomed to repeat it. As for coming by, I suppose I could allow you to pay a visit, though it couldn't be as exciting as being XO of this starbase." She came to a halt to the entrance to a holosuite and began to type in several commands into the control panel.

"You're quite right in that aspect, but I always look forwards rather than backwards, just my personal view. Depends what day you want to be an XO, some days are awful. Other days can be exciting," He replied. "I'm looking forward to seeing this." Nodding towards the holosuite doors.

Leah finished typing in the commands as the holosuite doors slid open. "Well, wait no longer," Leah smiled as she took in the near pink-colored sand with near crystal clear water. A warm breeze blew, tossing a few strands of Leah's bangs. She couldn't help but grin as the beach brought back memories of her childhood.

Hunt smiled when he noticed Leah beaming. He grabbed her hand and led her into the holosuite. They walked straight onto the perfect sand, "This isn't Suraya Bay is it? Correct me if I'm wrong." He asked, whilst looking down and watching his feet press into the sand with childlike amusement.

"It is," she said. "How did you know?" she asked, but knowing Starfleet types, Leah was sure that everyone in Starfleet had visited Risa at least once during their careers.

"Although I've never actually been to Risa, I actually met a Risian in my teenage years that I was good friends with and she always spoke about Suraya Bay and she always described what it looked like. She spoke of the two moons which orbited the planets, the sand we are walking on and what it felt like. She spoke about the sound of the water crashing against the beach. She spoke about the cliffs and how villas were put into them. So when I saw this, the memory hit me and I recognised this place, even though I've never been here," He paused. "It's beautiful. I love places that have so much beauty in them, especially ones that have hidden beauty and you have to look harder to find it.

Leah was impressed by Hunt. 'Definitely not your average Starfleet drone.' "I'll admit that I didn't expect those words from a Starfleet Officer. Let's change shall we?" she gestured to a changing Hut not too far away.

Before long, they were both changed into swimwear, ready for a dip into the sea. Hunt threw Leah a glance, trying not to make it too obvious he was admiring her. "Shall we?"

Leah smiled at Hunt as she felt him undressing her with his eyes though there wasn't much to undress with her low cut blue Tankini. "Sure," she said, but took off at a run into the water, "but you'll have to catch me first!"

He let out a laugh and ran after her, guilty of watching her behind as she ran into the water. He soon caught up and joined her. The water wasn't cold, but more pleasantly warm. He swam past Leah, deliberately splashing her gently in the process and continued to swim ahead. As he stopped, he shouted back, "Told you the swimming was better than the skiing!"

"So you are," she raised an eyebrow and grinning before gracefully diving under the water. She quickly closed the distance and wrapped her arms around his waist and pulled down on his trunks before coming up her prize in hand. "Not that good," she laughed.

He let out a laugh, "It's not all about size." He winked, before swimming towards her. He splashed her again, before putting his hand behind her head and kissing Leah on the lips.

"Oh, I beg to differ," she said as she finally broke off the kiss, "size is everything," she winked with a grin, wrapping her arms around her as he pulled her close.

"Come find out," He whispered in her ear.

"I intend to," she whispered back as she began to remove her top.


Leah smiled as she woke the next morning, feeling the arms of Commander Hunt wrapped around her from behind with his warm body up against hers. Feeling him come around, she gently kissed his hand.

"Morning beautiful," He whispered, looking into Leah's eyes.

"Good morning," she replied before kissing him again. She looked at the chronometer on a nearby nightstand and moaned. A part of her wanted to stay in the bed with Hunt but the other wanted to get to work. She knew if she didn't show up at work soon or contact Tomar, she would have a very determined chameloid looking for her. She turned back to look at Hunt. "Work calls," she said, sitting up on the bed and making her way towards the sonic shower.

"Unfortunately work calls more than I would like it to as well," Hunt laid in the bed, watching Leah walk towards the shower, admiring her once again.


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