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Securing the Psyche

Posted on Mon 1st May, 2017 @ 4:47am by Commander Paul Graves PsyD
Edited on on Sun 10th Dec, 2017 @ 10:46pm

867 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Wrongs Darker Than Death Or Night
Location: Chief Counselor's Office, Deck 83
Timeline: ?

Paul finished his last gyoza dumpling from Pearl with a Chainsaw and washed it down with tea before giving a contented sigh at the lingering, tart flavor of the dipping sauce. The food at Chainsaw was delicious enough that he would endure the Promenade crowds for it.

He was disposing of the food container in the replicator when his door chine rang. Paul glanced at his wall clock and saw that Lt. Commander Jekkar was right on time. Paul released his office's privacy control, and his office door slid open. "Good afternoon, Commander," he said warmly. "Please come in and have a seat at my desk."

Jekkar nodded. "Thank you Commander." The Andorian said as he took a vacant seat at the Counselor's desk. The Andorian looked around and noticed the take-away bag. "I really must give Chainsaw a try."

"It's definitely worth it," Paul said as he disposed of the dumpling container. "Care for something to drink? And is the temperature comfortable in here, or would you prefer it cooler?"

"I'll have a glass of lemonade if I may?" Solan asked as he looked towards the Counselor. "As for the temperature, it's perfectly acceptable for me thank you."

"I always wonder, considering that the climate on Andor is so cold," Paul said. He entered the order, and the replicator produced a glass of chilled lemonade, which he handed to Jekkar. Then he seated himself in his own chair. "How are you settling in to life on Vanguard, Commander--or has life actually slowed down enough since your arrival for you to find out?"

"Thank you." Jekkar said as he took the glass from the Betazoid and took a sip. "It's getting there slowly, considering I've got less staff than I'm used to, and I had a riot on my first week."

"I can well imagine that it's quite different here from lecturing at the Academy," Paul said. "I can only hope that it's less stressful than dealing with the string of murders you once had to." He gave Jekkar a wry look. "Though we've had that here, too."

Jekkar nodded. So Graves had done his homework it would seem. "You could say that though that particular murder resulted in me getting stabbed for my troubles."

"Ah. Our string of murders wasn't quite that exciting," Paul said. "I'm only glad I never had to meet the victim. By all accounts he was an unpleasant individual. Anyway...Have you had any luck getting more staff for your department? I'm sure it's difficult to keep track of security for a mob of diplomats at the best of times, but it's exponentially more difficult when everyone has to work double shifts."

Jekkar nodded. "I've pulled a few strings and I can maybe get a few more in the next 48 hours but I still need more."

"I'm sure you do," Paul agreed. "This is a huge station. I can't even imagine how many security staff you would need to adequately secure Vanguard for three shifts, seven days a week. If I can be of any help to you or your people for stress management purposes, I would be glad to do what I can."

"I shall keep that in mind." Jekkar said with a smile before he took a sip of his drink. "Oh congratulations on your promotion by the way Commander."

"Thank you," Paul said with a brief smile in return. "I was quite surprised but glad to receive it. So are you fully recovered from the stab wound you took?"

"Very much so yes." Jekkar commented. "I took the suitable period of Recuperation required for such an incident. Using the time to write my book actually." He commented. "Roughly about the time I started teaching."

"So now that you're healed, you want to get back into a more active role?" Paul asked. "When I first arrived here, this seemed like a sleepy, quiet station, almost a backwater, but it has quickly grown into something much more active than that. I suspected it would, given the resumption of Starfleet control, but I didn't expect it to happen this quickly."

Jekkar nodded. "Truthfully when I was stationed here it was because an experienced hand was required to take over the Security Department, a Department that was understaffed and in need of a firm hand."

"It was painfully understaffed," Paul agreed. "Then this diplomatic thing came up and threw everything into even more chaos, as there simply weren't enough hands available to deal with the extra need. I think I and everyone else on this station are glad to have you here, Commander Jekkar."

He glanced at the notes he'd made. "It sounds to me as if you are settling in well, despite the heavy workload. I think we're pretty much done here, with regard to the information I needed. Is there anything that you would like to discuss, Commander?"

"I don't think so Counselor." Jekkar said with a nod.

"In that case, welcome to Vanguard," Paul said. "Any time you need to talk, feel free to come by. And maybe we can have lunch at Chainsaw sometime soon."

Lt. Commander Solan Jekkar
Chief of Security

Lt. Commander Paul Graves PsyD
Chief Counselor


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Comments (1)

By on Tue 9th May, 2017 @ 3:31am

Oh, nice character introduction, and great to do something a little different than reporting to the commander!