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In the dead of night

Posted on Tue 11th Apr, 2017 @ 7:52pm by Lieutenant Commander Solan Jekkar

624 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Wrongs Darker Than Death Or Night
Location: Chief of Security's Office
Timeline: MD 2 - 23:35 hours

Solan sat behind his desk and stared at the screen in front of him and at the report from the protest in the day time. No matter how hard he tried he just couldn't seem to get the words to paper, so to speak. He was a meticulous Andorian who took his job seriously enough to earn him praise. But right now he felt like a Zombie needing sustaianance.

The Blue skinned Andorian rubbed his eyes and got up from his desk and moved to the Replicator. He was about to key in a cup of tea, Breakfast blend with a dash of sweet lemon but then he paused. Looking to his desk he had 3 empty cups already and that's probably why he was still here at this ungodly hour of night. He then keyed in Tarkalian grape juice and yawned.

He still tried to get his head round Vanguard Station. As Security Chief he had a responsibility to the lives of everyone who lived and visited this place. Truth be told he never heard of it until a few days ago when he travelled here for this assignment. It so far seemed to be like every backwater Station that he had encountered before, there were quirks and there were flaws but for the most part it had character.

With a sip of his juice, Solan returned to his desk and looked down at the screen. "Computer current time?"

=/\= The time is currently 23:37 and 28 seconds. =/\=

Was it that time already? Bloody hell. Jekkar sighed just before he began to yawn once again. He had been at this for most of the day and he was only half finished give or take a sentence or two.

The doors to the Office opened up and Lieutenant Summerby, the Night Shift Security officer stepped inside. "Oh my apologise Commander I wasn't aware there was somebody using your office." The Human Said as he looked towards Jekkar.

"Oh its fine Lieutenant." Jekkar said as he stretched trying to wake himself up and focus.

Summerby smirked. "I think you need to get some rest Chief, cant have our Security Chief dropping in the middle of a crisis." He chuckled as he headed over to the Replicator.

Solan nodded. "Computer transfer these files to the terminal in my Quarters and save at index 457.0."

The Computer sounded to acknowledge the transfer of the information and then relayed the current time once again.

"What is the status of the Night Shift?" Solan asked as he finished his juice and got up from his seat, collecting a series of PaDDs to take with him.

Summerby turned from the Replicator with a cup of coffee. "We're doing alright Sir. Vast majority of the Security Staff that work this time were assigned to you for the protests on the River Walk and Promenade but I can get by with what I have." The Lieutenant commented as he took a sip of his coffee. "Mostly just patrols of the Habitat ring and the commercial zones but we rarely get trouble, only when the bars cut their prizes for some cultural holidays."

The Commander nodded. "Fair enough, I'll leave you to it then Lieutenant." He said with a blank expression as he turned for the door. "Oh one more thing, if you run into trouble then contact me because I doubt ill sleep much this evening."

"Aye Sir, good night." Summerby acknowledged with a nod as he watched the Commander leave the office.

Solan took one final look around before heading to the nearest Turbolift. He may not have gotten to grips with the layout with Vanguard yet but he felt that soon he'd know it like the back of his hand. "Main Habitat Zone, Section A."


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Comments (1)

By on Wed 19th Apr, 2017 @ 2:36am

A good post that establishes more of Jekkar's personality. Thanks for those little insights.