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Over the Back Fence

Posted on Fri 25th Oct, 2013 @ 5:46am by

991 words; about a 5 minute read

Location: Orchids & Jazz, Deck 400: Jade's Office
Timeline: MD 02, 1115

It wasn't often that there was a knock at the door. Lantz left it open most of the time, as it was now. Yet there was a knock. She lifted her head from the ordering chore she was trying to complete and saw Flavia Smith, the owner of Scents of Love, her favorite floral shop on the Promenade.

"Flavia! Come in, no need to knock. Have a seat. Have you come to tell me the new orchid varieties are in?" Jade asked eagerly, pushing the order PADDs aside.

Mrs. Smith smiled and sat down in a comfortable chair across the desk from the vibrant El Aurian woman. "I'm afraid not. The Golorian Trading Vessel is overdue. Actually, they made an unscheduled stop to pick up a passenger, but the projected arrival is still a couple of days away ... if this due date is any more reliable than the last one. Not that I'm complaining. They are bringing these species from a planet near the conjunction of the Delta and Beta quadrants, and that's no mean feat."

"I'm disappointed, but as long as they do arrive, then all is well. Would you like a cup of tea?" She was well aware of the florist's penchant for teas. "I have a new blend I've been experimenting with, completely herbal. Want to try it and give me your opinion?"

Flavia smile, enthusiastic in her turn, and replied, "Of course I would! Is this a fruit tea or something more spicy?"

"A little of Column A, a little of Column B," Jade smiled, remember the Russian fighter pilot who had taught her that response several lifetimes ago. She wondered where Svetlana was now. "There's a base of spearmint, a hint of lemon, and ... well, try it and tell me what you think. And while I'm brewing, why not tell me why you dropped by, if it has nothing to do with my orchids."

Jade rose and busied herself with the ceremony of making tea: getting the water just hot enough, but not too hot; using just enough of the herbs she'd mixed, but not too much; adding a sugar bowl and small creamer to the tray with two dragonfly bowls and a dragonfly teapot just large enough to fill the small cups twice each.

"Have you heard the rumor going around about the Karikkars?" Flavia asked.

Jade glanced over at her. "You mean that they are getting married? That's not a rumor, that's a fact."

"No, not that one. And not the one about having a baby. That's a fact, too."

Lantz smiled, "Yes, it is. So what other rumor is there?" She brought the tray over to her desk and set it down between them, then resumed her seat.

"They're rushing into it ... going to marry before the away mission that's coming up," Flavia said as she leaned down and pulled a container out of her voluminous tote bag. The container turned out to have Black Forest Crinkle cookies in it, and she set the box on the desk between them. "Here, I know these are your favorites."

"Oh, thanks! So many good things in one day!" She chose the top cookie and bit into it, closing her eyes at the rich chocolate taste and the chewy cherry in the bite. "Always better than I remember. So, why do you say they are rushing into it? It seems a little slow to me, considering the baby."

"Oh, yes, I suppose, but does anyone really consider that any more? Babies come when they come, and so do marriages. No, I say rushing because it seems rather sudden to move it up to before the mission, don't you think? Rather like young people when someone is going off to war." Flavia frowned, "Well, maybe they don't do that any more either because someone is always going off to a war somewhere these days, aren't they?" She chose a cookie herself and bit into it reflectively.

"I suppose you could look at it that way," Jade agreed. She poured the now-ready tea into the small blue bowls and pushed one toward the florist. "Is anyone planning a party - a shower, I think would be the correct term, even for a wedding, wouldn't it? Or a shower for the baby?"

"I haven't heard, truthfully," Flavia said, tasting the tea and then adding a scant half teaspoon of sugar. "Not bad, but you know I like a little sweetness in my tea." She sipped it again, nodding as she put down the cup. "Yes, I like it. I can taste the lemon and the spearmint, but neither one is overpowering. There's also a taste of something ... like honey, but not quite. What is that?"

Jade was pleased her friend had picked up on the subtle taste. "It's South African honeybush. I've not tried it before, but one of my suppliers had some and urged me to relieve him of the burden of it." She laughed. "So I did and I like what it does with the spearmint and lemon. There's just a hint of vanilla, too. Very easy to get too much of that, but I think this was just right. I'm very pleased with it. If you like, I'll make up a packet for you to take with you."

The other woman nodded, "I would like that. But let's get back to the Karikkars. Do you think we should be the ones to plan a party for them?"

"Not if they haven't asked," Jade said. "It isn't that I would object. In fact, I'd love to, but neither of us is particular friends, and I wouldn't want to step on the toes of those who are." Seeing the disappointed look on Flavia's face, she smiled. "I know you love parties. Maybe someone will ask us to do another one, as they did for Nyx and her baby."

Flavia sighed. "I can only hope."


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