On a Mission
Posted on Wed 15th May, 2013 @ 6:18am by
958 words; about a 5 minute read
Location: Orchids & Jazz
Timeline: Current, mid-afternoon
Working on the books was exhausting mental work, and Jade had enough for one day. She closed out the computer program and left her office in time to see two other restauranteurs enter Orchids & Jazz. She recognized both at once, and wondered what mission had brought them together. Their faces definitely said a mission was at hand.
"Hello," she said in her deep feminine voice. "What are you two conspiring to do this afternoon?"
"We are conspiring to conspire. And we require you to help complete our conspiring conspiracy!" Dawn said, chuckling. "Mr. T'Scholk here, after filling me with some excellent cuisine, has agreed to accompany me here so we can discuss what we may do to help with your conspiring to create a nature preserve at the heart of our lovely home."
"Ah," Jade said. "Your help is most appreciated, but we three can't do it alone. There is a meeting about Tivoli Gardens coming up next week. As soon as the details are firm, I'll send out a note to those who are on the committee. T'scholk is included, of course," she nodded at the Romulan, "and you've saved me a trip to 10-42 to discuss the matter with you."
The owner of Orchids & Jazz gestured them to seat themselves at a nearby table. "I presume this means you are interested in helping with the planning, but let me tell you a little more about it. Although there is a nature preserve, as you put it, included in the plans - something more than a zoo, and less than the actual wilds of an ancient world - that would be only a very small part of our plans. Are you interested in helping to plan the desert, the savannah, the mountain villas, the fishing village, and all the rest that we believe we'll be able to include?"
"You are ambitious for one so young," Dawn said with a smile. She placed her hands together and gave her a short bow. "Your ambition is a credit. Though I'm not so adverse to deserts, I believe all climes are worthwhile and have their own beauty and splendor. You may count me as a conspirator. Mr. T'Schlock?" she asked, contemplating the blood pies she still carried and looking forward to another slice.
"I am here in any way that is needed." T'scholk handed a pie box to Dawn. "You seem famished, shall we plan and conspire over food and drink?" T'scholk said with a sly smile. Something about conspiring was something Romulans, all Romulans, enjoyed.
"None for me, thanks. I've just finished a late lunch," Jade said. "It isn't ambition, Miss Dha'an. I don't think I'll really gain anything from my work on the Gardens, but it's a challenge, a puzzle. I like to create things, to make things more pleasant. My idea for Tivoli Gardens really started so children would have some more interesting places to explore and learn, so they could see a variety of stellar and planetary phenomena. That's still my main focus, but there are many other benefits that have come to light."
As she watched the two of them slice into blood pies, she inwardly shuddered. "We'll start our planning meetings next week. I'm glad you've both agreed to join the committee. Would you care for some lemonade, or perhaps milk with your pie?" she asked, while thinking that having these two on the planning committee was likely to enliven things in unforeseen ways.
"Some lemonade might go well with the pie," Dawn said with a wink. "Just not too much sugar please. Don't want it too sweet."
Jade nodded and got up to get the drinks. She wasn't sure exactly why the two restauranteurs had come to chat with her, but it was mid-afternoon, before the lunch rush for Beta shift, or the dinner rush for Alpha. She had time to sit an talk for a while, time to let things unfold as the others chose. El Aurians were known for being listeners, so she'd listen.
"I have not had lemonade since Earth." T'scholk's eyes were in wonderment. "Ms. Jade, may I trouble you for some lemonade?" T'scholk pulled out a few slips of latinum. "I must say getting a breather from the restaurant is nice, especially to a friendly neighbor."
"Put your money away, it's no good here," Jade said, bringing another lemonade back to the table for the Romulan. She pulled out her personal data device and checked the calendar she'd been working on before company arrived at Orchids & Jazz. "So you could both come to a meeting of the committee on Thursday? That's only three days, and I was thinking of a breakfast meeting. Business is a little lighter in the earlier hours, say 0800, the start of Starfleet's Alpha Shift?"
"Certainly sounds like a date," Dawn said, enjoying the pie and lemonade combination. "Though, that's just after closing and cleanup for me so I might be just a wee bit tired and loopy. I hope you won't mind?" she asked the other two.
"I doubt you'll be the only one," Jade answered. Seeing a high sign from her assistant, she rose from the table. "You two stay as long as you'd like. My assistant is signaling that I'm needed elsewhere. I'll look forward to seeing you both on Thursday." She walked away, wondering what Serena needed, quickly putting anything to do with Tivoli Gardens in the back of her mind.
Making her goodbyes, Dawn headed her way back to 10-42 and, hopefully, an afternoon ready for the evening and an inventory that balances the first time. Though, she had the dreams of an ecological area unrivaled by any other station in the galaxy to help get her through the afternoon.