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What is possession?

Posted on Sun 30th Apr, 2023 @ 9:12pm by Exo-Comp EXQT
Edited on on Thu 4th May, 2023 @ 3:17am

800 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Neither Yours Nor Mine
Location: Deck 14
Timeline: MD1 0300

Junior Officer Bikram Auden Personal Log: Supplemental-

I was tasked with overseeing the safe incorporation of four machine intelligences to the Starbase. they have taken to hiding with the Station mainframe, though hiding might be too much of a leap without meeting them first. My pentaptych remains unaffected and detects no other machine networks in operation so for now we just watch and wait. The Antero gave us quite the tale, and with any luck, after some time has passed we can get to know them better. Antero also made sure to tell us these guys are no harm, and just want to repair stuff. I am sure there is a comfortable arrangement we can all come to.

{Deck 14 - Secondary Short-Range Sensors (Upper)} 0300

Nestled within the bulkhead union just above in gantry catwalk over the short range sensors sat four little bots, whose home had been made here. Time on the station had seen them retreat into their private worlds, places small enough only the sensors could track them. A sensation of hiding, had prevailed to their now cautious nature, and they saw people as a binary state of helpers or tormentors. In the month of their silent occupation, the ideal home had not yet revealed itself. Nessy had chosen this spot for its ease of access to the stations while also being hidden to anyone not looking. Even machines have basic needs to be met such as a safe place to power off, repair themselves, keep specialized tools, and charging capabilities. Hidden as they were with a remote charging field, and Zombies replication matrix unleashed from power constraints, they had tools, shelter, power.

Peggy considered their home and found it superb, the long catwalk afforded ample space, but it was... empty. For the first time in this exo-comps operation, there was no danger and ample space to create. Peggy rallied the others,

{(D14SSRS-U} unit designated as "Home." Confirm. Provide alternatives if not?"}

Zombie was already there, and began levitating upwards to get a visual glimpse of its sibling far down the catwalk.
{(Confirmed change of designation.)(Further accommodations required?)}

Nessy was always monitoring the communications, she also felt the absence and could express it more fluently.
{(A space is not a home until it is lived in. We have met our basic needs, so shall we acquire additional support materials?)}

Zombie made an exciting chirp,
{(VR/Holo interface?)}

Banshee was remote, but sent a corroborating message,
{(BANSHEE) (Confirm-(ZOMBIE)!) (ADD:VAR Datacenter)

Peggy trusted in Zombie to create small machines but the more complex ones still required guidance and instructions. Banshee was wanting a science console, all of which took a large amount of power and space as well. Nonetheless, it wasn't but a moment before Zombie began mass replicating the thousands of parts it would take to to assemble this.

Peggy took a serious tone with Zombie as it often took to make it understand,
{(STOP! We cannot modify the station or install components without permission from Station Administration.) (ZOMBIE QUERY: Do you have sufficient skill to create this item as a free standing broadcast unit?)}

Zombie stopped vomiting auto-crystallizing lenses, and was visibly trying to come up with a reply.

Peggy took the moment as an opportunity,
{(Your lack of reply is answer enough.) (Clean up the mess.)}

Zombie shivered a bit, but silently went about the work of scooping in the parts for de-materialization muttering small sub-vocalized grumbles.

Also privy to the encounter, Banshee felt the need to stick up for them,
{(PEGGY)> We can learn.) (ZOMBIE)> I will learn and help you.)

As usual Nessy was the fair one who kept this from becoming anything further,
{(We could use sanitization modules, suspension frames, docking berths, oil bath, data stations for system access to begin.) (Is aesthetic appeal a goal as well?)}

This notion completed the circuit in Peggy's developing consciousness. Homes were made after all not built, they had to make this a space they felt safe in, and also could enjoy. Remembering the aesthetics of the Antero gave Peggy enough of an idea to go by if not too literally,
{(Agreed. ZOMBIE-(VR) submission is valid provided we get permissions. HOME= "Mood lighting", soft carpet, a picture of a dog, cans of food, a kitchen. Acquiring will complete designation of "HOME".)}

Nessy asked,
{(QUERY:PEGGY- What is Mood Lighting?)}

Nobody thought anything of it when Zombie simply turned and left.

Peggy highlighted several dark corners,
{(Mood= Emotional response aggregate, a resting average of emotional states over time. Mood Lighting is a light which influences Mood.)

{(BANSHEE) (QUERY-PEGGY: How does Mood become influenced. Spectral analysis required.)}

Banshee had only just returned to their tribal grounds in the subsection, it began immediately shining in different colors, asking for Mood results as it went.



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Comments (2)

By Commander Paul Graves PsyD on Sun 30th Apr, 2023 @ 9:44pm

Oh, I like this! I'm so glad to see the Exo-Comps back!


By on Thu 4th May, 2023 @ 3:18am

I do like the Exobots! This was such a machine interpretation of humanity. Good stuff. But where did Zombie go? LOL I foresee trouble ahead.