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Make It So, Part 1

Posted on Fri 29th Apr, 2022 @ 7:30pm by

1,034 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: A Good Day to Hunt
Location: Warp Vessel Nomad Bridge
Timeline: MD 3, 0830
Tags: Winters Sisters

"I'm going to be late!" Isabella said to herself as she rushed onto Warp Vessel Nomad carrying a black Starfleet duffel bag and her usual PADD. "Early is on time, and on time is late." She could hear her mother saying in her head. These early life lessons are what made her the punctual agent that she was known to be. But everything had been quite hectic lately while making the final preparations for the mission's launch.

Isabella rounded the corner of the vessel's hallway and entered the mess to find Riko and the Winter sisters sitting down, awaiting her arrival. "Sorry I am late, everyone," she said as she placed the duffel on the table in front of her. "Last minute details have been taken care of, Riko," she said looking over at her friend and First Officer.

"I don't know how much Riko has told you all of why you are here, but for me, you are here because this woman trusts you. So that means I trust you. My brother also trusts you, so I know that you are good people. In a nutshell, Starfleet has given me control over this vessel to conduct independent investigations that will gather intelligence that we will report back to Starfleet, stopping certain threats as we come across them, and performing clandestine missions that Admiral Nechayev personally assigns to us. We will report directly to the Admiral and only answer to her."

Isabella paused for a moment to get a read of the room. She didn't know the Winter sisters well enough to read their facial expressions for an accurate assessment. Isabella looked over to Riko to see if she could glean something from her friend.

A small smile was meant to boost Perry's confidence and Riko said, "You know I'm in, whatever the missions are. I know you and believe we won't be tasked with anything illicit or proscribed by Federation Law. I don't know the Admiral, but you do and I trust your trust in her."

Looking at the few women in the group, she added, "This room full of women has a lot of second hand trust going as we begin, but I think it will be warranted and become more personal before long. What say the Winters? I don't think you'd have agreed to come along if you weren't on board with the tasks we may have to do, but we should all be on record with our beginning agreement."

The clone sisters present glanced at each other, before the one with the burn scars on her face spoke. "Shall we sign ship's articles?" Her sisters frowned at her, and she shrugged. "We're not Starfleet. We're not subject to the Uniform Code any longer. So what are the rules? What are we agreeing to?"

"You are agreeing to fight the good fight and following my orders. I know you all have your own lives that are being interrupted with this venture, so I can compensate each of you with Latinum on a weekly or monthly basis."

February shook her head, her frown drawing her scars tight across her skull. "No," She said. "That doesn't answer the questions, and we're not signing a blank check. We did that, once, and it got half of us killed. So try again. I'll make it simple, one question at a time: by what rules, by what charter, do you intend to command this ship?"

Hearing the tone under February’s words, Isabella took a breath. She could tell there was a history of anger behind February’s questions. “Alright, to make this simple, the Winters and Podkayne will be working under the Ships Articles of Agreement. In the articles, you will find your compensatory salaries and employment packages. You will work directly under me as your Captain and Riko as my second in command. The type of jobs we take on will be cargo running, some smuggling along with some other odd jobs that may arise. Under that guise of cargo running and smuggling is how we gather intelligence for the Admiral and keep our ears to the ground about current and future threats to the Federation.” Isabella paused for a second to see if everyone was following along with her.

“There will be times when the Admiral gives us a specific mission to carry out. A mission that is outside the bounds of Federation law and jurisdiction. We will carry out those missions as we see fit. With a heavy emphasis on how we see fit. As far as what rules we operate under? Well, make no mistake! We will not be operating as Starfleet Officers. So, things such as diplomacy, may not always be our first option. We will get our hands dirty at some point. In your articles, you will see what your responsibilities on the ship are. Your contract with me will not be for a specific length of time, so you can leave whenever you please. When my life is in the hands of others, I don’t believe in forcing them to be there. But, because Riko and my brother vouched for you, I trust you and I expect you to keep what we do under wraps."

September felt February's rage swell at yet another mention of payment, and put her hand on her sister's elbow to steady and restrain her. "We're not concerned about recompense, or shares of the spoils, Captain. We haven't been motivated by profit since before we left the crèche. We're concerned as to what risks -- physical, moral, and legal -- we're being asked to expose ourselves. We have no trust in this Admiral, as we don't know her. We barely know you; we are willing to entertain this proposal on the basis of our trust in your brother, with whom we have bled. If you tell us those risks and the mitigation factors for those risks are outlined in the ship's articles, we'll accept that assurance on the basis of our bond with your brother... and with Riko." Her eyes flicked to the woman who had been her boss for most of the last decade, and she smiled slightly.

To Be Continued ....


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