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Song Lasr ex puzzle (Last Piece of the Puzzle)

Posted on Wed 21st Apr, 2021 @ 10:36am by

822 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Business Not At All As Usual
Location: Orchids and Jazz
Timeline: MD5, 1115

Isabella walked into the restaurant, closed her eyes and took a deep breath. She held the breath and savored the smells and the sounds. She did not know how long it would be before she returned to this place. But she always loved the atmosphere and wanted to bring it into herself one more time. She opened her eyes and sat in the booth she and her brother usually sat in.

The club owner saw Commander Perry come in and went to greet her. "Isabella, it's so good to see you again! Is Henry joining you today? Marin fortuitously fixed his favorite dessert, so I hope so."

"Not today, Jade," Isabella responded to her friend. "It is you I have come to speak with." Isabella motioned for Jade to join her in the booth. "I'm going to be gone from the station for some time on a mission, but I need a little help.

"I'll do whatever I can. Water the plants? Feed the cat?" Lantz smiled at her.

"Nothing that simple of course, my friend." Isabella leaned in closer to her friend so that they wouldn't be heard by any folk eavesdropping in. "I need to speak with one of the Humaniforms here on the station. I need one to accompany me on this mission and to be a part of my crew. I can't give you too much detail, but I need a Humaniform who is adventurous but will follow my orders to the letter," Isabella informed her. "Does anyone, in particular, come to mind that I could speak with?"

This was a surprising turn of events, totally unexpected by the club owner. "I have no objection to someone going, but you will have to talk to them about it. I expect them to be treated like any other life form. They aren't my property or my slaves," Jade said.

Mulling over her available people, she shrugged, "They're all adventurous, and don't have a lot of choice about following orders, though they are able not to do something that seems clearly wrong to them. I can maybe suggest the best choice, but it will still be at the chosen one's discretion whether or not to accept your offer. And he or she will have to be paid."

"Of course I would pay them a salary. I don't expect anyone to work for free." Isabella said with a chuckle. "Besides, anyone who has to put up with me needs some type of compensation."

Lantz was startled into laughing at that. "Oh, I'm not going there. No I am not. Okay, Podkayne is very unusual, not the serious type, but adventurous, yes; obedient, normally; good for a laugh, occasionally. Daneel is perhaps the one who feels responsibility the most; less adventurous, but only because he's more cautious; prone to thinking things through. Elijah ... very analytical; he likes pizza and puzzles and mysteries; probably has the broadest experience.

"I don't think Arkady would be your man. He's very interested in science and machines, not so much other things. Gladia is ... perhaps not serious enough? She seems frivolous on the surface, but that could be her choice. I think one of the others, though. Why don't you interview each of them and see what you think?"

Isabella sat for a second and thought about what Jade said about interviewing the candidates. "I am looking specifically for an engineer and a female. Gladia sounds like she checks one box. Does she have any engineering skills?"

Shaking her head, the club owner said, "No. She's not that serious. She's more into art and designing spaces to live and work. Podkayne is actually more mathematical-minded than any of the others, except possibly Elijah. If you want a female and an engineering type, Podkayne is your best bet. She can download information she doesn't already have. Although she comes across almost as a teenager, she isn't. That's simply her personality. She's actually mature and analytical and would do a good job for you. And play the occasional practical joke that doesn't hurt anyone." Jade smiled with fondness.

"Well, what's a ship without a little fun, so long as no one is hurt? I would like to meet with Podkayne, if possible. Could you set up an introduction for us please?" Isabella asked.

"I can get her right now, and you can have lunch in one of the empty offices, if you like," Jade answered, standing. "When are you leaving? I'll need to rearrange schedules, if you're taking her."

"Thanks Jade. I really appreciate this," Isabella said as she looked upon her friend. "I can't really tell you when we are leaving, because I am not quite sure yet. But if Podkayne does agree to join us, I would take her off the schedule now."

"Alright, then, come with me, and I'll get you set up, and then I'll get Podkayne. You can't help but like her," Lantz smiled.


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