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Navis Aedificationem (Ship Building)

Posted on Sat 20th Feb, 2021 @ 9:39pm by

1,074 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Business Not At All As Usual
Location: Office Of The Captain Of the Port
Timeline: MD 3, 1105

"And that's everything, big brother," Isabella said as she sat back on one of the sofas in the Office of the Captain of the Port, who just happened to be her brother, Henry Perry.

"So, just so I am clear." the engineering commander said as he stood up from behind his office desk and walked over to the sofa where his sister sat. "You ate at Sisko's and didn't bring me anything back?" He said with feigned anger in his voice. Isabella let out a howling laugh as Henry sat down beside her, and she wiped the tears that suddenly appeared from her eyes.

"Well, it wouldn't have been fresh, but I promise to make it up to you somehow," she said as she finished wiping away the last tear. "But really, what are your thoughts? I want to know."

Henry sat solemnly for a moment before answering his sister's question. He wanted to be supportive, but honest at the same time. He was proud of everything she had accomplished but was even more proud of her decision to walk away from a life that took her away from everything and everyone she loved for such a long time.

"Bells, you have to do what is going to make you happiest. I won't lie. I was ecstatic when you came here to be closer to me. We had been separated for so long. You have been gone to only the prophets know where on whatever mission Rosalyn had you on."

It was then Isabella began to make a protest, but Henry was able to cut her off at the pass, raising his hand up in front of him in defense. "And before you say anything, I know I was aboard the Samurai doing Starfleet's bidding as well. But if I am to continue to be honest with you, I don't think you are going to be happy unless you are out in the thick of it, fighting the good fight. And you are not going to do that sitting on this station filing intelligence reports."

Henry cupped his sisters' hands and took a moment to look her directly in the eye. "You need to go out there and do what you do."

"Thank you, brother!" Isabella said as she embraced him in a huge loving hug. "Now, what can you do with our ship, the Nomad."

Henry laughed aloud and stood up from the sofa. "Oh, back to business, huh. You know, you never were one to get emotional."

The younger Perry sibling kicked her leg out at the older sibling, her brown leather boot catching him in the shin. "Ouch!" He screeched as the heel of the boot made contact.

Henry rubbed his shin as he looked at his sister. "We probably get to work before I end up making a trip to sickbay. Show me this ship of yours."

Isabella stood up and made her way to the big viewscreen in her brother's office. She typed in her security code and brought up the schematics for the Nomad.

"I call her the Dark Knight class."

Running late wasn't normal for Riko McCord, but there were times even she couldn't make it from one meeting to another on time. With a grimace, she performed the Piccard maneuver and pressed the chime outside the office of the Captain of the Port.

"Come." Henry belted as he poured over the schematics on the screen.

The door opened in front of McCord and she stepped into Henry's office and looked around. "So this is where you sit on your throne and annoy people who want to dock at 109." Glancing at her new boss, she smiled and said, "Hello, Commander, sorry I'm a little late. It's good to see you again ... I think. Since you roped me into this, I'm not quite sure. What's on our agenda today?"

Isabella laughed and waved Riko over to where she and her brother was standing and looking at the MSD of Nomad. "Riko and I have some thoughts and ideas for upgrades to Nomad and we need to see what is feasible. We need something that is going to be stealthy and fast and does not reek of Starfleet" Isabella looked to Riko and saw her friend's lips pursed to say something. But before Riko could get the words out of her mouth.... "Oh and it has to have guns. Lots of guns.!" Isabella said while stifling a laugh. Isabella again looked over to Riko and gave her a quick wink acknowledging their earlier conversation.

"O.K." Henry said as he continued to look at the MSD for Nomad. I need you to tell me exactly what you are looking for. I can come up with designs all day, but I need to have an idea of what you are looking for so that I can better outfit the vessel."

Isabella reached for the control panel beside the viewscreen and entered her access code. "Computer, bring up schematic titled Noir Schematic 001."

=^= Accessing, =^= the computer said as it brought up the new schematic displays in a split-screen with the original Nomad MSD on the screen. "First let's look at the stealth modifications. The Noir class has done an excellent job of hiding the familiar design of Starfleet nacelles, bussard collectors, and deflector dish. We need the same adjustments made for Nomad to help us keep a low profile out there."

Henry walked closer to the screen, squinting his eyes reading the various design modifications on the Noir class. "This is amazing. I didn't even know Starfleet had designed something like this." Henry found the nacelle hardpoint coverings and bussard collector coverings on the Noir class MSD and dragged them over to the Nomad MSD in the appropriate places.

"O.K., O.K., we can do this. It's going to take a lot of tweaking, but we can make this happen. I will also have to change the vessel's engine system to an enhanced compact dilithium conversion warp drive system to account for the mods to the bussard collectors and nacelles. But this will also help to modify the energy output of the ship as well."

Isabella smiled as she heard her brother say the upgrades were possible. She then looked to Riko. "What say you XO?"

"I like the insides we have planned, and I'd like the outside not to scream Starfleet. Plus," she laughed, "you know, stealth, speed and ... guns!"


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