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Securing the proper display.

Posted on Sat 24th Oct, 2020 @ 4:31am by Maiek s'Ethien & Khellian s'Siedhri MD

1,143 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Denouement
Location: Dr. s'Siedhri's Home
Timeline: MD 3: 1000

Maiek had seen the stained glass in the Doctor's office when he'd brought the elderly Isena to see her son for the first time in 20 years. The mans heartrending reaction had brought tears to his eyes, and he found once more that he missed his mother. He would have very much liked to introduce his mother Emmiad to his wife.

"She's got to say Yes first Maiek- you're getting ahead of yourself." he mumbled under his breath as he walked the path along the river. It was easy to get ahead of himself with Mary Elizabeth, for he was so in love with her. The idea of calling her his wife thrilled him, to the depths of his soul. It was beautiful here, and an easy way to soothe one's nerves with the soft burble of the water. It was hard to imagine that he wasn't walking by the Sanra- except that the water here was clear to blue instead of a muddy green.

A wave of melancholy washed over the man, as he sat on a bench overlooking the river. It was easy to pretend that he didn't lose the majority of his family in one fell swoop. His mother being too stubborn to leave her home, and his father being unwilling to defy her wishes. Closing his eyes a moment he sighed deeply. Only he had escaped, he and his Aunt Verelan. It just wasn't fair. He found his eyes burning with tears that he'd been too proud to shed. He was still too proud to weep for them now. He swallowed hard, and cast his gaze to the river once more.

"I wish I could show my lady my home..." he murmured, knowing that he would never have been able to take Mary Elizabeth to the Romulus that was. They would have both been killed, him for consorting with the 'enemy' and her for being the nebulous enemy that everyone was so afraid of. However, being here with Starfleet afforded him some unique opportunities. He could potentially show her, via the holodeck. While he was no programmer, he could definitely assist with the actual work, from an artistic standpoint. THAT was an interesting thought and one that boded more investigation.

Deciding that he'd wasted enough time in his melancholy, he continued up the path to find the Doctor working in his garden.

"Maenek Khellian." The young Romulan bowed deeply to his older counterpart.

"Ah Maiek, Ambassador Verelan's aide. I do remember you. Please sit." He gestured to the pair of small chair by the table on a tiny tiled patio on the garden side of the house. "Tea?"


Khellian brought the tea to the small table in his garden and poured for them both. The comfortable silence spread between them as they sipped their tea for the socially acceptable period of time. Khellian smiled into his teacup, not wanting to offend the younger male by his amusement of the automatic assumption of Romulan social niceties. It was comforting to have that bit of home, even here so far from anything traditionally Romulan.

"I am securing my d'anna offering...and I would like to commission your skills."

"Congratulations. How can I serve?"

"I require a box that will serve as a jewelry box to display my bracelet and the rings for my intended. It's function one of beauty and practicality as I wish for her to use it always. Even if she says no..." Maiek chewed his lip at that confession, for it was a fear of his. He knew that Mary Elizabeth loved him, he felt it in her touch when they made love. But would she marry him?

"Rings? Is your intended a human? " Surprise colored his tone, for it was not common that the insular Romulans even ventured into relationships outside of their species.

"She is Human. I hadn't thought it possible, and had you asked me when I still lived in the capital if I could love an off-worlder I would have said no. I would have laughed at the very idea, and thrown you out of my shop for the insult. Now...I would have no one else."

"There may be backlash when you propose. " The doctor commented, quietly. The tone of his voice suggested that he was expecting backlash and likely not anything the young man had actually dealt with before. Romulans in positions to do any social climbing and jockeying were vicious...but sometimes they were violent as well. "When are you looking to do so anyway?"

"Once...everything is in place. I have no specific time in mind, as that matters little to us. The ring to match my bracelets is being made, the other two rings to make the triad are purchased and from you, the box. The food is being prepared, by her own cooks who seem thrilled with the arrangement. That should appease the elements, and hopefully gain me a fiancée. I admit, that I am more nervous about this than anything I have ever done before in my life."

"You love her." it was a statement, without any derision in its tone. Khellian could not judge any such thing, for he had loved a human too, and deeply. Perhaps too deeply to see the signs of her imminent withdrawl from his life. He still suffered keenly her loss, but time both eases pain and heals wounds. Even one's so deeply wrought as heartbreak.


There was something in the way he agreed with that statement that told Khellian that no matter what trials this couple faced they would come out on top. He was honored to do his part. "It is expected for a male of your station to be nervous. I imagine that when your first child is about to make its entrance into the universe you will feel similarly. What are your colors and symbology?"

"My clan is represented by a spiral. I am fire and flames, for I was born on the height of fire on the longest day, and she is a Water. Her water is tempered by ice and earth. She renews my faith, and my very blood burns for her."

"You sound like our Vulcan cousins."

"Very like indeed. I find the sensation disconcerting. I often awakened with my blood aflame unable to soothe myself. The effects however can be quite pleasing should she be sharing my bed." His smile took on a fondness that made Khellian smile with him. He'd awakened heated and burning only to have her quench him in a way that left both entirely sated. It had been...exquisite.

"Cherish her young man. Never stop feeding the spirit of your love."

"I shall."

"You shall have your container presently. I will send you my design for approval, then once approved please return to me in a fortnight."


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