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Strange New Arrivals – Part III

Posted on Fri 13th Dec, 2019 @ 8:24pm by
Edited on on Sun 17th May, 2020 @ 4:40pm

708 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Resolution
Location: USS Destiny (Deck 15, Main Sickbay) / Starbase 109 (Deck 362, Main Docking)
Timeline: MD-03: 1530 hours

“Lieutenant Kahgen, ready to disembark, sir.”

Doctor Jakara looked up from the report that he was reading, to see the Klingon medic standing in the doorway of his office, a roller-case of personnel effects by his side. Jakara put the report down and smiled as he stood. He walked over, towards the doorway, with his hand outstretched. “Kahgen,” he said, as the Klingon took his hand. “It’s not too late to change your mind you know.”

Kahgen inclined his head slightly and smiled coyly. “I’m sorry, sir. My mind’s made up.”

“I know,” Jakara said, returning to his desk, and indicating that Kahgen should take the chair opposite him, which his did. “But I thought I’d take one last shot.”

“To be honest, I’d have been disappointed if you didn’t,” the Klingon replied, taking the seat the senior doctor had indicated. “But it’s time.”

“I know.” Jakara said. “Nine years is a long time for a first assignment.”

Kahgen inclined his head again, thoughtfully, “With respect, sir, it’s hardly my first assignment.”

“You know what I mean,” Jakara replied. “The problem with the Destiny is that until I move on – which, as you know, isn’t really going to happen anytime soon – there is simply nowhere for you to go here.”

Kahgen smiled. Jakara wasn’t going anywhere because he was married to the Destiny’s CO, Captain Johannes. “Come on,” he said, “you know that career ambition is hardly a driving factor at this stage of my career.”

“Even so,” Jakara said, “One-Oh-Nine isn’t like Destiny. It’s a city suspended in space. They’ll be more opportunity for you there – and much more chance for you to actually use your skills.”

“I hardly think my talents have been wasted here, sir,” Kahgen replied, slightly indignant.

“Again,” Jakara replied, “You know what I mean.” He sat back. “You’re one of the most talented doctors I’ve ever had the privilege of working with, Kahgen,” he said. “But your expertise extends far beyond triage and…” he paused, “all that stuff. Your knowledge of the anatomy of different species is unparalleled. One-Oh-Nine will suit you down to the ground.”

Kahgen smiled. “I know, sir.”

Jakara gave a small laugh back. “Of course you do,” he said, “That’s while you’re going.”
Kahgen gave a long slow nod.

A long silence hung between them, which was eventually interrupted by a beep on from the console from Jakara’s desk terminal. He glanced down at it.

“We’ve docked and moorings are secure,” Jakara said. “You’d better get going,”

Kahgen nodded and stood up slowly, turning back towards his senior colleague. “Serving with you has been an honour, sir,” he said, placing his closed right fist across his chest in salute.

Jakara stood and returned the salute, more out of respect than anything else. “The honour was mine, Doctor. Qapla’”

“Qapla’” Kahgen replied with a nod and smartly turned out of the office, collecting his case as he did so.

In the minutes that followed, the Klingon walked from the sickbay to the turbolift and then through the corridors, which began to get increasingly busy the closer he got to the docking port.

He looked around as he made his way through the crowds and immediately noticed the variety of people disembarking the Destiny. Most of them were Starfleet officers… Humans, Trills, Bajorans, a Takaran, a small Zocci operations officer, even a Brikar, who literally towered above everyone else. There were civilians too. Not as many, but in almost as many shapes and sizes. Men in robes and hoods; small blue-skinned aliens whose species Kahgen couldn’t identify; a Bolian and one man that looked so pasty and pale that he could have been a Mak’dar.

The Klingon arrived at the docking port and, eventually made his way through docking tunnel and out on to the concourse on Starbase One-Oh-Nine. He paused for a moment and continued to look around at the vast array of people and creatures around him.

Yes,” he thought to himself, “I think I will very much enjoy working here.


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Comments (1)

By Commander Paul Graves PsyD on Fri 13th Dec, 2019 @ 11:49pm

And Dhuro Lanis will enjoy working with him!