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The Who, Now?

Posted on Sat 9th Nov, 2019 @ 10:44pm by
Edited on on Sun 10th Nov, 2019 @ 1:01am

637 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Resolution
Location: Pale Moon Books, Riverside Village, Tivoli Gardens
Timeline: MD 1, 19:48

The bell over the door rang as the door knocked into it, opening, then again as it closed. Yucholl, dressed in a sweater long enough to come down over what modest hips she had, looked at the vacant desk, and then down the aisle of the bookstore she could see from where she stood. "Sometimes, I think of Tweeter," she called, sounding uncertain.

From a far corner of the store came Aiko's voice, "Sometimes, I think of Jan."

Yucholl smiled and glided forward, and the two young women finished the lyric together, "sometimes, I don't think about nothing, except for the Monkey Man!" The Lamian rounded the corner and glided down the isle to where Aiko was shelving books from a cart. "Hey, Monkey Toes," she greeted.

"Hey, Snake-Hips," Aiko responded, leaning forward over the cart to collect the kiss she clearly thought she was owed.

"Mmm," Yucholl said afterward. "Strawberry."

Aiko laughed, and fished her strawberry-flavored lipbalm out of her pocket. She tossed it underhand, and Yucholl caught it. "Since you stole it off my lips, you have to put some on, so I can steal it back," the Human girl teased.

Yucholl complied, trying to look alluring as she applied the wax to her lips. "Where's your Dad?"

"Date night," Aiko commented. "We've got the store to ourselves."

The furry lump behind her stirred, a thick tail thumping the floor twice.

"Sorry; sorry, ourselves and Shaggy."

Yucholl glided around the cart and bent over to pet the enormous hound. He thumped his tail on the floor again, happy at the attention. Yucholl sighed and glanced at the plate glass windows at the front of the store. "Too bad you don't have blinds for those."

Aiko laughed, putting the last book on the shelf. "If we did, my Dad would probably set the 'no being alone with no adult supervision' rule, just like he did for upstairs."

Yucholl sighed, remembering her acute embarrassment when Mr. MacBeth had walked into the kitchen to find her entangled with his daughter, and their hands in each others' blouses. "Yeah," she said glumly.

Aiko grinned, and started pushing the cart toward the front of the store. "I have something for you!" she called in a sing-song voice.

"Oh?" Yucholl asked, perking up as she glided back toward the front of the store. Shaggy opened his eyes, mournfully watching the source of pets departing, then huffed a sigh, closing his eyes again.

Aiko parked the cart in its usual spot under the sales counter, and stood behind it, grinning. "Not too long ago, someone told me we're not at the jewelry stage, yet." She reached under the counter, and pulled out a long, narrow box covered in blue velvet.

Yucholl's eyes opened wide. "You...."

"So I made you something that's not quite jewellry," Aiko said, holding out the box.

Yucholl took the box in trembling hands, and opened it. She stared at what was inside.

"It's my hair," Aiko explained. "I braided a lock real tight, and put glue on each end, and then the fastener... do you like it?"

"It's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen," Yucholl breathed, her eyes filling with happy tears. "Here," she set the box on the counter, and pushed it across, before holding out her right wrist. "Put it on for me?"

Aiko, grinning, reached for the bracelet and began to fasten it around the proffered arm.

"Oh, wait," Yucholl said. "I should probably put it on my non-dominant hand, so it doesn't get bashed into so many things!" she swapped arms, and grinned as she watched Aiko put it on her left wrist, instead. "I will never take this off," she said, and the two leaned across the counter, stealing strawberry lipbalm from each other.


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Comments (1)

By Commander Paul Graves PsyD on Sun 10th Nov, 2019 @ 1:06am

*beams* Lovely post and a lovely gift!