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Missive to Inspector Shulas of Andor

Posted on Wed 23rd Oct, 2019 @ 12:01am by Daeren Iril

295 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: A Diplomatic Affair
Location: Trill Consulate, Deck 636
Timeline: MD-12, 0815

(Subspace communication to Inspector Jorune Shulas of Andor, sent by secured diplomatic bandwidth)

Greetings, Inspector Shulas--

Thank you for your visit with me yesterday. I was able to obtain the information you requested from my contacts at the Federation Embassy on Ferenginar.

An Andorian identifying himself as Ah'ras Nelet was in fact present on Ferenginar within the last standard half-year. According to the sources at my old embassy, 'Nelet' came to Ferenginar with a stated intent of establishing business investments in Ferengi companies.

This is a common, catch-all travel intention frequently used to conceal one's true purpose and is thus next to useless as a means of determining why a person comes to Ferenginar. Anyone who is anyone visits Ferenginar to engage in business. Ferengi, however, can smell a deal, especially a clandestine one, a parsec away. Something about Nelet convinced them that he bore watching.

Oddly enough, the Ferengi assigned to watch Nelet died unexpectedly of a severe brain hemorrhage--confirmed by autopsy. Nelet has not been seen since. As far as anyone knows, he has not left the planet, but he has disappeared. This death occurred four months ago.

Between you and me, Shulas, I suspect this Nelet person is long gone. No one hides that well, especially an Andorian on Ferenginar. There are any number of illicit Ferengi trade organizations 'Nelet' could have shipped out with.

I wish I could be of more help to you, but my contacts have no further information. They have ceased looking for Nelet, having decided further searching for him would yield no return on their investment. On the other hand, if you made it worth their while, they might be convinced to resume the search. Up to you.

With kindest regards,

Daeren Iril
Trill Consul to Starbase 109


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Comments (1)

By on Fri 1st Nov, 2019 @ 1:01am

A very intriguing way to enter information into the story line. I'm looking forward to seeing what comes of this. Will it become "worth their while" to keep searching for the trail? Will base intelligence come up with something? Thanks for an interesting post!