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When the Tide Changes

Posted on Fri 19th Jul, 2019 @ 10:56am by

873 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: A Diplomatic Affair
Location: Orchids & Jazz, Deck 600
Timeline: MD 6, 1330

Henry walked into Orchids with a tiny little pep in his step. He was was so happy that things were going right for him again onboard SB109. He was conducting a refit on the ship he loved most, Starfleet had given him a lot of grace and freedom to help turn the refit of the U.S.S. Samurai into one of the most advanced Starships in the fleet. And now, he was going to meet his sister for lunch for the first time since his return from teaching at the Academy.

"Good afternoon, Jade," the engineer said as he made his way to his favorite booth in the restaurant. "If you have any, I sure would love a hot bowl of French Onion Soup."

"If we don't have any, I'm sure Marin will whip some up for you. I'll have it out as soon as possible. It's nice to see you so happy. Not a lot of people come in here quite that happy," Lantz said. "Anything else I can get for you while you wait?"

Henry paused to think for a moment. An like a light bulb with off in his head, he smiled a devilish grin. "You wouldn't happen to have any freshly squeezed homemade lemonade, would you?"

"Oh, I think we can come up with that for you, too," she smiled. "Are you meeting someone today? Should I bring two lemonades?"

"Better make that two lemonades, Jade," a voice called out. Isabella walked around from behind Jade and made her way into the booth opposite her brother. "Hey, what are you two talking about?"

Jade winked at her, "Food, mostly. You know, your brother's favorite topic? He's asked for French Onion Soup, too. Would you like the same, or something else?"

"Of course I would," Isabella said as she chuckled. "You know the Perry siblings can't go without their French Onion soup. And Jade, I must say, however you make yours, it is the best. Where are you getting it from?"

"The kitchen," Jade deadpanned. She heard a little snort behind her as she moved away to retrieve their soup and drinks.

Isabella slid into the booth and sat opposite her brother. She adored these lunches that they started after he came aboard the Starbase. After all the years she had spent working undercover for Starfleet Intelligence, she missed the little things she and her brother used to do when they were at home in North Carolina. She looked at her brother, staring at him and realizing how happy she was. Not wanting to miss out on these special moments again.

"That's not happiness to see me, is it, Sis?" The engineer asked his sister, breaking her from the thoughts in her head. Henry looked her over and and could see the wheels turning in her head. "What's going on, Sis?"

Jade had taken a few moments to make fresh lemonade, and brought it to the table right away. "Here you are, fresh squeezed lemonade. Or the closest thing to it you'll find in this quadrant, anyway!" she smiled. "Marin said give her a few minutes, and she'll have the best pot of French Onion soup you've had anywhere this side of Paris."

The two Perrys smiled at the exact same time, in the exact same way. But Isabella's smile faded quickly. "Jade have a seat for a moment. I might as well tell the two of you together, instead of having multiple conversations about this."

The Security Chief took a hefty swig of her lemonade and flinched at the tartness of it. "Man, that's good, Jade. OK. I'm just going to put it out there. Admiral Nechayev wants me to step down as Security Chief of Starbase 109."

Henry looked over to his sister with shock and disbelief. "What do you mean she wants you to step down? Why? For what reason?"

A flood of emotions fell over Henry as his mind raced with questions. What he found most surprising was the sense of fear that he now felt in the pit pf his stomach. Henry felt as if he just got his sister back from the world of Starfleet Intelligence.

Jade could sense the turbulence in Henry as changes in the colors of his aura, which also swirled in agitation, something she didn't often see. His emotions were strong, and he was upset about his Isabella's announcement, but it seemed out of proportion to what she'd said. He's afraid of something.

Isabella hand up her hand to quell her brother's questions for the moment. "She feels that me being the Security Chief here could potentially blow my undercover identities with all the travelers that we get here. And honestly, she is right. Everything I have worked for could be ruined if some sleazebag recognized me, either in passing or from an encounter here on the station."

Again, Henry's feelings began to get the better of him, and he felt an emotion he was getting more and more familiar with as this conversation continued. That emotion was anger.

"But you left all of that behind didn't you? I mean, wasn't that the point of your coming here?" he asked, trying to not let his growing anger show.


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