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There's Always Another Meeting

Posted on Mon 27th May, 2019 @ 6:18pm by

898 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: A Diplomatic Affair
Location: Captains Ready Room (Samurai)

"... so then, Athena looks at me and says, 'but it was an unpredicted exothermic reaction, mom!' And Sarah's just standing there, with this... goo... running down her face, and she says, "'At least it's not on fire?'" Suzuki laughed heartily as she shared the anecdote with her dear friend and long-term house guest, Riko McCord. "And it was supposed to be banana pudding!"

Gasping with laughter, Riko said, "I don't think you two know what's coming your way with that one. Perhaps she needs her own science lab ... or a good old-fashioned recipe book."

The chime on Suzuki's desk notified her of a message from the Yeoman in the outer office, and Suzuki glanced at it. "Henry's here," she told Riko, and schooled her features to a look of deep concern and grave worry.

The engineer entered the Commodore's office was instantly happy to see his two best friends sitting together in the office. But, the further he made his way into the office, he noticed Suzuki's demeanor. Henry pulled an extra chair to the table and sat across from the officers.

"That's not happiness to see me is it Commodore?" he said with a smile on his face. "Congratulations by the way."

Suzuki nodded solemnly. "Commander Perry, the last time we spoke, you indicated that you did not wish to be Captain of the Starship Samurai in operational condition. You wished to remain here, near friends and family. I warned you that declining an operational command might prevent you from ever receiving another independent command in space. You've had time enough to think over your options carefully. Is it still your wish to remain at Starbase 109?"

Henry took a deep breath but did not immediately answer his commanding officer's question. It had always been his dream to command his very own starship. That was part of his life plan. But as he had learned, everything doesn't go to plan in life. He felt that he had proven he could make the hard decisions when they needed to be made, but the opportunity he had before him to help create new breeds of starships and be close to the ones he loved most - Tthat seemed like the best of both worlds.

"Ma'am, at first I thought this was going to be a tough decision," he said as he looked into her eyes. "I always had a certain plan in my mind of how my career would go. And as you know, the endgame of that plan was to get my own command. But that last mission on Samurai made me realize that I need to appreciate the things in life that are not in the plan. Things like taking advantage of the opportunity to help forge the future of Federation starship designs right here on the same starbase that my sister and my two best friends are on."

Henry looked over to Riko and gave a quick smile and then back to Suzuki and nodded to her. "So as of right now. This is the plan. To be with the ones I love most. To have the best of both worlds, as long as I possibly can. And if the opportunity to command my own ship comes down the line in the future, I will reassess then."

Henry looked nervously to Suzuki to see her reaction, but as usual, he could hardly read her poker face. Although she was one of those closest to him, he could never quite read her. That's why he hated playing Mahjong with her.

"Very well," Suzuki said. "As you noted a moment ago, I have received a promotion to Commodore. This promotion came with increased responsibility. I am now responsible for all ships in the Triangle region, which leaves me little time to manage all aspects of the Starbase. For that reason, I've reactivated a position in the base table of organization and command that has stood vacant, or rather, been folded into the CO's responsibilities, since before this base was transferred to the FCDA. The post is that of Captain of the Port.

"The officer selected for the post will be responsible for all dockside activities of the base. They are required to be..." Suzuki paused, finding the relevant passage in a document she had open on a PADD, then read verbatum, "'skillful in all affairs requisite in the looking after, equipping and setting out of Starships.' They also take on the responsibilities of harbormaster. Over the last few days, I have been in discussion with BuPers about suitable candidates. They repeatedly told me my first choice for the position was not available; it took some argument, string-pulling, and favor-swapping to make him available.

"This morning, Captain Y'xocru wished me luck with explaining to the officer selected that I was yanking him away from his first independent command to babysit a dockyard. I didn't think it would be all that strenuous or onerous a task. So, Commander Perry, how do you feel about my high-handed decision to remove you from command and put you to work at my convenience?"

Again, Henry took a moment to answer his commanding officers' question. "Ma'am, you may say it is at your convenience, but I know you. You have always done what is best for those who serve under you. I gladly submit myself to your convenience."


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