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The Play's the Thing

Posted on Tue 21st May, 2019 @ 6:36pm by

839 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: A Diplomatic Affair
Location: Kirk Theater, Deck 636
Timeline: MD 4, 1900

Commander McCord stepped off the lift on Deck 636 and looked around. She hadn't been in this part of the Promenade before, and she wasn't sure which direction the Kirk Theater was. Directly across from the lift, mid-corridor on the deck, was a directory, and she ambled over to take a look.

This was the deck of consulates, McCord discovered, and she paused as her eyes saw "Coming Soon - Besm". She reached out and touched the words, visualizing the beautiful Winter Sisters, some of whom were no more. Somehow, she didn't think they would be among the Besm coming to SB109, but stranger things had happened. Sighing, she moved on to the list of entertainment venues next to the species representatives and found Kirk Theater. Henry Perry was supposed to meet her in front of the theater, and she was running a few minutes late. Riko knew he'd wait for her. He better, since he had the tickets. Smiling, she followed the appropriate decorative line toward the theater.

"Riko, over here," Henry yelled as he waved his hands in the air as if he were landing a plane. Excitedly, he made his way to his friend, to hurry her along, so they could get seated. "What took you so long, my friend? I went ahead and claimed our seats. All we have to do is grab some snacks. Any thoughts to what you might want?"

"Sorry, there were a lot of people on the tram. No idea what I want, I'm just excited to see a real live performance of Phantom. I love the music, but I've never been in a city where it was playing. I did see some anniversary performance, but live ... wow, that's ... I'm speechless," she laughed. "You know that never happens. Hey, they let you have snacks in a real theater? I didn't know that."

"They don't!" Henry said as he put on the most devilish grin he could muster. "I usually use the transporter to sneak in whatever I might need. Let's call that a perk to be one of the top engineers in Starfleet. Now come on and let's grab our seats." Henry grabbed Riko's arm with excitement and led her through the crowd, bobbing and weaving through the waiters serving champagne in the lobby of the theater.

Riko stayed close to Henry as they snaked through the other theater goers and then found their seats. "Oh, you did pull in some favors to get center stage, only half the alphabet from the front!" she said, as she pressed against the row in front to avoid people's knees. "One thing I think probably hasn't changed in hundreds of years," Riko laughingly said over her shoulder, "the space between rows of seats." She found hers and sat, then reclined into the plush golden velvet.

"Are these new chairs?" Henry asked as he bounced up and down, testing the seat. "I mean these seats are melding to my behind like second skin. Hows your seat?" he asked as he continued to play in the chair.

Riko smiled indulgently at Henry's antics. "Sometimes you are such a cadet," she said. "My seat is quite comfortable, thank you. I believe the whole theater is new. I think I read somewhere that it's part of Starfleet's reconstruction of the base, to make it feel more like a city. So it isn't more than a year old, at the most, I would think." The orchestra in the pit began to tune their instruments, and she looked up at the stage area, and then around the theater. "Most of the seats are filled already, and it's still fifteen minutes until the start. That's kind of amazing, don't you think, for the fourth night performance?"

"Well, it is Phantom of the Opera!" He said sarcastically as he looked over to Riko. "And, we are way out here in the frontier of space. I think the Federation is making a concerted effort to make our little corner of the galaxy the talk of said galaxy. I mean, look at this grand theater. Look at the upgrades to this Starbase. Someone has plans for this starbase and this area of space."

"I hadn't thought about that," McCord said. "I just take it all for granted, I guess. Maybe there's something out here that needs protecting? Or they already know something we don't, or plan something ... or maybe Starfleet just needs a money maker. Have you seen some of the homes in Tivoli Gardens? But as long as I'm here, and all this is out here with me, I might as well enjoy it, don't you think? With my best friend, Henry, of course."

Henry took Riko's hand and held it within his own hand. "I wouldn't have it any other way, my friend. And besides, who would put up with my grumpiness and obsession with French Onion Soup as you do?"

Riko was laughing as the lights dimmed, and the orchestra came up with the overture music.


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