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A Bunny Walks Into a Bar...

Posted on Wed 22nd May, 2019 @ 4:45pm by
Edited on on Thu 21st Jan, 2021 @ 5:16pm

884 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: A Diplomatic Affair
Location: Orchids and Jazz, Deck 600
Timeline: MD 2, 1208

She was the kind of woman who drew eyes. She was lapine, and from the amount of skin showing, probably of the race known as Viera. Her hair was dyed a rich, honey-blonde color, but not recently enough to keep her snow-white roots from showing near the scalp; the fur on her tall ears had been left undyed. She wore a halter-neck knit top that fit loosely, and ended just below her breasts, leading more than one observer to wait breathlessly for a peek that never seemed to come. Her lower garment was denim, and vaguely jeans-styled, though it blurred the line between short-shorts and hot pants. Leather garter straps ran from the belt loops, which were not being used for their intended purpose, down to sheer stockings featuring a seam up the back of her legs. Leather ballet heels conspired with her ears to make her appear much taller than she actually was.

Next to her was a Human man people tended not to notice. He was slightly overweight, but not obese. His face was average, with medium-brown skin, medium-brown eyes, and medium-brown hair. The kind of man one could look right past; the kind of man people didn't remember five minutes after meeting. He was dressed in a pale yellow wrapped tunic and loose khaki trousers with hiking boots. He held up two fingers to Reon at the door.

"Two it is. Welcome to Orchids & Jazz," Reon said, ignoring the obvious display of the woman and meeting the eyes of the man with her. The man standing next to him didn't indicate these were his people, though the doorman rather thought they had 'top secret' stamped on their foreheads. "Jenna can show you to a table close to the dance floor, or a more secluded spot near the wall. Simply tell her which you prefer." He nodded to the server and said, "Enjoy your meal."

"Right this way," Jenna smiled as she led them around the divider into the club. In truth, all the tables were somewhat secluded by placement, screens and plants. "Mr. Velasquez didn't mention it, but we also have a few tables available in the loft, if you'd prefer that."

The man looked at his taller companion. "Margarite?"

"Oh, does the loft have a rail? Are there tables that overlook the... you know, the place where the musicians are? Stage? Orchestra pit?" The bunny girl spoke in a high pitch, uptalking. Her accent would have been familiar to a resident of the San Fernando Valley during the late twentieth century.

"All of that," Jenna agreed. "A little more secluded than the main floor, but with a view of everything, service that is just as fast, and perfect auditory input. We can go up and if you don't care for it, you can point out where on the main floor you'd prefer to sit."

"Oh, Miki, let's sit up there!" Margarite asked, bouncing a little, which motion encouraged the gawkers to stay focused on her shirt.

Miki smiled indulgently, and nodded at Jenna. "If you please."

Jason Fisher tried to keep a neutral expression, as the two new arrivals passed him and entered the club, but something about them was bugging him. It was as if they were both trying just that little bit too hard to act naturally. The fact that they were heading up to the loft only exacerbated his unease. This operation was complicated enough as it was, without adding another unknown - and potentially unstable - element into the mix.

At the top of the steps, Jenna led the unusual couple to a table along the rail and about 3/4 of the way toward the back of the loft. They had an excellent view of the Jazz combo that currently played I Got Rhythm, though neither of the two guests knew the name of the jumpy little piece. "While you check the menu," Jenna pointed at the electronic device on the table, "what can I get for you to drink?"

The man raised his eyebrows at his companion, who grinned. "I'd like a carrot daiquiri, please?" She paused, then went on, "I know it's a stereotype, but I really do like them!"

"I, uh," the man said. Clearly, he wanted to say he'd have the same, but just as clearly, the drink really didn't appeal to him. "I'll have tea, please. Southern, black, half-sweet, no ice."

Jenna had never had an order for a carrot daiquiri, but she was sure Jade could make one, so she said, "I'll be right back with those for you."

As she waited at the bar for the owner to mix the daiquiri, she watched what went into it and casually asked, "What's going on up there in the loft? I feel like a cat who walked around a corner and found a nest of dogs waiting."

Jade laughed and set the drink on her tray before preparing the tea. "Details are scanty, but I promise there's no danger to you. Be your normal cheerful self and you'll come out of this alive," she winked.

"Oh, now I feel so reassured," Jenna said, with a touch of sarcasm mixed with humor. "Getting through my day alive is always the goal when I start a new day."


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Comments (2)

By Commander Paul Graves PsyD on Mon 25th Jan, 2021 @ 6:53am

Ha! THIS is the post I've been looking for! *pounces*

We now return you to your regularly scheduled sim....

By Commander Paul Graves PsyD on Mon 25th Jan, 2021 @ 6:54am

Ha! THIS is the post I've been looking for! *pounces*

We now return you to your regularly scheduled sim....