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Another Point of View

Posted on Wed 20th Mar, 2019 @ 7:09pm by

946 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: A Diplomatic Affair
Location: Orchids & Jazz, Deck 600
Timeline: MD 2, 1500

With the lunch crowd finished and cleared out, Orchids & Jazz had a quieter, laid-back atmosphere. The Cymbidiums, Orchids & Jazz's own 3-piece combo, played a smooth bit of In a Sentimental Mood, and Jade leaned against the natural wood bar, listening. Though one or another of the trio changed from time to time, the quality of the performances was always outstanding. The benefit of being on such a large starbase, Jade reflected.

As she glanced toward the door, she was astonished by the customer who came marching toward her, climbed up on a stool, shrugged out of her stiff red leather backpack, and set it on the bar. "Six," Jade said calmly. "How nice to see you, but you have succeeded in surprising me. Have you come for a Shirley Temple and more cherries?"

"I don't know why I came," the child admitted. "The wind just kind of... pushed me this way. But now that I am here, I have heard lurid tales from far travelers of a libation known as: Doktor Pfeffer. Perhaps you are familiar with the Good Doctor's medicine?"

Lantz smiled, "It's a happy wind that blows you in my door any day, and I believe I might have an idea what you hope to find. There may be a dusty bottle in the back. On the Earth I knew as a young girl, it was available almost everywhere, but it's a little harder to come by now. It also comes with cherries, if that interests you at all. I'll be right back." She came around the bar and went down the hallway to her office, chuckling. Wouldn't it be something if her personal stash of Dr. Pepper now had to be shared with a six-year old?

In her office, she made a beeline for the closet where she stored her secret weakness. Debating for a moment, she finally took a one liter bottle from a shelf and went back to the restaurant. "Here we are," she said, showing the bottle to the girl. "I recommend a small amount of ice, and if you are inclined, the cherry flavor topped with one cherry."

"My informant informs me that one shot of strawberry syrup and two of vanilla is the finest combination," Six countered. "But I should be happy to accept the cherry garnish!" She smiled, and her eyes gleamed predatorily. "I am always happy to accept the cherry garnish!"

"I never had it that way, but I bow to your informant's information, and that's exactly how it will be." As she prepared the concoction, Jade nodded at the backpack. "That seems a little heavy tonight. Lots of homework?" She placed a coaster on the bar and set the glass on top, two cherry stems ready to be pulled out, with large red fruit at the bottoms.

"It's full of... things," Six said evasively, then followed up with a distraction. "Thank you for the beverage, Ms. Lantz." She took a sip, made a face of shock and horror, then took another sip. "That's... excellent medicine."

"Some people take it as a tonic with meals," Jade informed her with a wink. "Best taken slowly, not gulped." Evidently, there was something top secret in the backpack, and Six didn't want to talk about whatever it was. Lantz made a glass of the soda for herself, but with grenadine flavoring.

As Jade was faced away from her, preparing her own drink, Six split the cherries and snuck one under the lid of her backpack, causing a slight rustling for a moment.

"Here's looking at you, kid," Jade quoted, and took a drink as the music took an upswing into a song about Chicago. "How are your own music lessons progressing? Will you be playing for me any time soon?" She nodded at the stage, not putting it past the girl to offer to come in any time ... and be excellent, if somewhat different in her selections.

Six stuck the second cherry in her mouth, the conjoined stems protruding as if to prove they were both in there. She made a show of chewing and swallowing before answering, "Unless you think your customers would enjoy 'scales and arpeggios,' I think it might be a while."

"I suppose it depends on how jazzy it sounds. My customers might not know it was scales and arpeggios," Jade laughed. "Try practicing the syncopation with them and see if it sounds any better to you. So, what do you think? Is Doktor Pfeffer," she pronounced it as Six had, "on the repeat list when the wind of chance blows you in again, or is it a one-time experience?"

Six took another sip, cautiously, and made the face again. "It's sweet... and yet it has a bitter edge," she noted, sounding thoughtful. "It really does taste like the medicine from Mrs. Cho's apothecary."

Jade lifted an eyebrow. "Does it now? I think I will have to investigate that particular apothecary the next time I'm in need. Then, you are still deciding it's position on your list? Perhaps another flavoring next time ... lemon, I think."

Six tilted her head slightly and her eyes unfocused, as if she were listening to a faint, faraway voice. "You put the lime in the Coke, you know, and drink them both together."

"That's how the Besm do it, I've heard. You'll have to ask them once they're settled," Jade agreed, wondering how the child had ever heard the song which might have given rise to her comment. Talking with Six was just that much like being Alice at the MadHatter's Tea Party.


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