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No Good Deed Goes Unpunished

Posted on Fri 8th Feb, 2019 @ 11:50pm by

311 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: A Diplomatic Affair
Location: CO's Office, SB 109
Timeline: MD 1, 10:00

The voice of Suzuki's yeoman spoke out of the air. "Skipper, there's a secure channel communication from fourth fleet for you."

Suzuki ran her fingers through her hair, took a deep breath, and nodded -- pointlessly, as Meija was in the next room and consequently could not see her. "Put it through."

A section of the bulkhead behind her, which was often mistaken by visitors for a window, cleared before showing an Andorian in the uniform of a vice admiral. "Captain Suzuki."

Suzuki turned to face the bulkhead display. "Admiral zh'Tok," she returned.

"I have been reading your logs, reports, and dispatches this morning, Captain. There's some fascinating reading in there. Unfortunately, I have also been reading the daily nag-o-gram from Disney Corporate." The Admiral made a wry face, indicating her thoughts on the matter. "They are less pleased with the situation than I am."

Suzuki nodded. "Yes, ma'am. Their local representative has been quite vocal about it."

"You've done well at the helm of one-oh-nine, Captain. But we need to do more."

Suzuki nodded. She expected that she'd either be relieved of duty or officially reprimanded. She steeled herself for either.

"I've consulted with BuPers and BuShips, and we're sending more support. But that means we need someone with more seniority, more authority, there on the border. A task force commander, at the very least. Therefore, I am forming task force four-niner, with the operational responsibility for patrolling the Triangle region and conducting anti-piracy operations. You are hereby assigned as Commander, Task Force. In parallel with this increase in responsibility, you are hereby promoted to Commodore. Congratulations, Admiral. Fail not, at your peril."

Suzuki nodded, looking somewhat gobsmacked.

Admiral zh'Tok smiled wanly again. "No good deed goes unpunished, Suzuki," she said, and then the line went dead. A moment later, Suzuki's view of the inner harbor was restored.


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Comments (1)

By on Sat 9th Feb, 2019 @ 12:59am

What a great way to get a promotion! Here's some more responsibility, because we can see you don't have enough to do already. I'm sure Suzuki is up to the task, however. Gobsmacked is such a lovely word, isn't it?