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C6 / Jade

Posted on Fri 18th Jan, 2019 @ 1:46am by

793 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Oblivion
Location: Promenade
Timeline: An afternoon, some months ago.

It was… a Torii gate, perhaps, or a megalithic trilithon rendered in jacinth. A clear and obvious demarcation at the top of a ridge, separating one realm from another. Dawn Addams paused. “Do not release each others’ hands,” she reminded her companions. With a look of determination, she took the last few steps to the ridge, and passed through the gate.

The Echos had been designed to be the perfect spies and assassins. In embodied life, they had simply known what those around them knew; understood their needs and desires and purposes. In the moment when the Witch, her matrilineal descendants, and their friends stepped into the valley they had closed, the Echos turned their attention their way. In that moment, they knew who had arrived, and why. They considered the Witch’s purpose, understood her points, reluctantly agreed.

There was a flash of light, and time was rearranged, reality was changed.

From where she sat on a bench under a Jacaranda tree, purple fluted blossoms occasionally drifting down on her, Jade noticed Chlamydia and Six meandering down the Promenade, moving toward her. Now and then, they stopped to look at something that interested one of them. For once, Chlamydia was out of uniform, dressed in a dark tunic dress which ended halfway to her knees, with dark purple leggings. She was very striking, especially in contrast to the child wearing black jeans and a t-shirt blazoned with a pale pink octopus clutching eight kitchen knives in its tentacles.

Six had grown taller in recent months, Jade noted, remembering the tiny four-year-old she'd first seen when Chlamydia arrived on the base. Though in the time since Jade had seen her smile, and even laugh occasionally, in the beginning, she'd been quite a solemn little girl. She'd observed everything with her large dark eyes, but seldom engaged in conversation with anyone, even the woman she called Aunt Chlamydia. The doctor had never shared much of the story behind the child ... any of it really. Lantz was sure there was one, and maybe someday she'd learn it.

"Ms. Lantz," Chlamydia said, when they got closer, nodding in greeting. The little girl nodded as well, though she said nothing.

"Doctor," Jade nodded back, but she looked at Six. "It's very nice to see you again. I hope you're enjoying your afternoon. If you'd like," and here she glanced up at the adult, giving her an out, "and if you have time," she returned her attention to the child, "I know where there's a special piece of cake. I'm pretty sure both chocolate and cherries were involved in its making."

"Cherry pits contain cyanide," the girl said, quietly. "Though you have to concentrate it to have enough to kill a full-grown Human."

"Experiment Number Six Addams!" the doctor said, sounding exasperated. "What have I told you about spree killing?!"

Six looked up at Chlamydia. "Not to leave evidence?"

"And what did you just do?"

Six looked abashed. "Established intent," she said. "I'm sorry, Ms. Lantz. I didn't mean to make you an accessory."

Trying not to laugh, or even smile, Jade said, "That's quite alright, Six. I don't believe our cherries have any seeds, so everyone should be cleared of charges. I do hope you'll come visit me and try the cake, when you can. I assure you, it is quite safe. Marin is very particular about her ingredients." Hearing the little girl carry on a conversation, even if a somewhat macabre one, made her heart glad. Anyway, the child was an Addams, so it didn't seem at all out of place.

"No pits?" Six asked, sounding curious. "Do you keep your own worms, or import them that way?"

Puzzled, Lantz raised a questioning eyebrow at the older Addams. "I believe we import them already pitted," she answered. "Cherries aren't really a crop here on the base, though the Head Gardener does have a small grove of trees in one of the arboretums. Perhaps he could advise you about the ... the worms? He sounds grumpy, but he's truly a kind soul." She recalled her first conversation with the child, and didn't think it had been more than five words. What a difference two years made!

"They control the worms very tightly in Marasca, Italy," Chlamydia reminded the young girl. "I would think our friend Carlo would have more chance of owning a tub-full." She turned her gaze upon Jade. "Were you returning to your restaurant soon?"

Reaching for the small bag of trash from her snack, she said, "I certainly can be. I was being a bit lazy, watching people. It's one of my favorite pastimes. Shall we go and have some cake with absolutely no worms of any kind?"


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