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Saving Grace

Posted on Thu 25th Oct, 2012 @ 1:03pm by

497 words; about a 2 minute read

Location: USS Renown
Timeline: Boarding + 31 Hours


"Sir, I'm detecting numerous micro fractures in the hull... much more strain and they're going to turn into hull breaches" The young Lieutenant from the Ops console informed Winchester.

"Seal those areas and erect forcefields" He replied a by-the-book answer.

"Sir... if we maintain this speed we're going to inflict damage to the ship that could take months to repair..." The gold coloured officer tried to fight his corner one last time.

"I couldn't give a fuck if we lose the ship altogether, Lieutenant" Winchester had had enough and yelled at the Ops Officer. "We have two Starfleet Officers in danger. I'll gladly explain to Starfleet Command how we lost a ship... but I'm not too keen on explaining how we lost two officers. Are you?" He was still teaming with anger.

The Ops Officer's head lowered in almost shame. "No sir... sorry". It was almost as if he'd just realised how stupid he was being.


Twenty minutes later they were nearing the Bretagne. From the viewscreen it looked as if the Typhon Expanse was almost trying to eat the Excelsior Class... and doing a good job of it too.

"Can we tractor the ship out?" Winchester's first suggestion came almost immediately.

"No sir, the stress that the hull is under would literally rip the ship apart" The tactical officer response with the same speed".

"Scans reveal two very weak lifesigns in one of the aft cargo bays" The young Ops officer revealed.

"Transporters?" Winchester said.

"The interference from the expanse is too great, sir" Tactical confirmed.

With a few taps on his console, Winchester realised that he couldn't get the information that he needed. The standard consoles that came with the CO's chair really left a lot to be desired.

"What if we shunted more power to the transporters... a lot more power?" He inquired.

"It might be possible... but one transport wouldn't do it. We'd literally have to transport them into space, a distance away from the effects of the expanse and a second later transport them into the ship".

Winchester understood the risks... not the technical risks, necessarily, but understood that this was their best chance. However it came with strings attached.

"Do it. Divert power from the warp engines to the transporters".

Almost silence then fell across the Bridge. Winchester always felt a little odd being in command of a Bridge. He had been in Starfleet a lot longer than most and had done virtually everything there was to do. He could command ground based units with ease... but that involved actually mucking in with the soldiers. On the Bridge of a starship, the Captain made decisions but rarely ever mucked in... so to speak. It was something he wasn't used to.

The seconds passed... they turned into what felt like minutes.

"I've got them" the tactical officer triumphantly reported "they're in Sickbay".

"Excellent work" Winchester allowed himself a small grin. The question to ask now is... are they still alive.



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