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Love Changes Everything... Apparently

Posted on Tue 29th Jan, 2019 @ 9:27pm by Commander Mikaela Locke

600 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Oblivion
Location: Deck 600 - Orchids and Jazz
Timeline: TBC...

Usually, when Mikaela Locke visited 'Orchids and Jazz', she occupied one of the booths towards the back of the club. She liked the fact that she could sit, drink, eat and, occasionally, enjoy time and conversation with her colleagues, without being immediately identified as the station's XO. Tonight, however, was different. Tonight, she sat at the bar, still in her uniform. She had come straight from a conversation with Paul Graves and, while she had every intention of returning to her office, somehow, when she got in the turbolift, she found herself ordering it to deck 600 instead.

Jade concluded a conversation with a customer and moved down to the XO. "You're a welcome sight," she said with a smile. Looking thoughtfully at her friend, she added, "And you look ... different. Your spark is burning a little brighter." The Commander's aura was, as well, but Jade rarely commented on auras to her clientele. "Did something wonderful happen while you were away?"

"It's good to see you too," Mikaela said, offering a glad smile to her friend. "And, no - I can't say that it did." She sighed slightly mockingly. "My trip was just as dull as I had expected to be. But it was good to have been asked to contribute - I guess it means I'm doing something right." She paused, briefly pondering Jade's observation about her 'spark'. She presumed that was intended as a metaphor, but with Jade, she couldn't be completely sure. "Perhaps I seem brighter because I'm glad to be home," she mused.

"That's definitely a step up from the last time we talked about your future here on SB109. Have you decided to stay, then? I hope so. I can't afford to lose any more friends, and it's always all about me, of course," she grinned at Locke.

That made Locke smile. "Oh, of course," she replied, with a mock sincerity. "I think I'm staying put for the time being," she continued, her demeanor changing back to a more serious one, "I guess we're not so different you and I. I don't have many friends either, and it seemed like a bad idea to walk away from the few that I do have."

"And all kinds of holidays are coming." Jade continued, "Maybe you have some shopping to do? Need a dress for a fancy ball? I've been thinking of giving one right here, if no one else gets an invitation out soon. I'm in the mood for something ... hmmm, flamboyant fits, I think. What do you think?" Jade asked.

"I've never really been one for fancy dresses," Mikaela smiled, knowing that Jade knew that full well, "But I do like the idea of a ball... Not that I'd be dancing, of course," she added quickly, "But I like the idea."

"And why wouldn't you dance? If you need lessons, I have the perfect teacher for you," Lantz said, thinking about R. Daneel. "And he'd never be a problem, I can guarantee you. You could use one of the private dining rooms near my office. You're a beautiful, vibrant woman, Mikaela. It's okay to enjoy that."

Mikaela smiled more broadly, partly grateful for the complement, and partly because, despite Jade's generous offer, the idea of her dancing in any capacity was hilarious to her. "Thank you for the offer," she eventually said, quickly adding, "I will consider it," as sincerely as she could manage.

A small smile tugged at Jade's lips. "No, you won't, but you should. Daneel's an excellent teacher, and ... he's an AI, so no romantic entanglements. But it's your choice, always."


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