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Penelope's Ranch

Posted on Wed 19th Sep, 2018 @ 10:48am by
Edited on on Fri 21st Sep, 2018 @ 10:01pm

650 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Oblivion
Location: Deck 1551: Penelope's Ranch
Timeline: MD13 1400 Hours

The rugged woman sat on the floor of her ranch, watching one of her own kind, her daughter to be exact, trying to calm down one of the horses. Izzy the Filly they called that one. The mane of Izzy was a rich brown, with two white stripes going from the top of her neck down the right hand side to her stomach. Those markings made it easy for her to tell Izzy apart, as were certain other markings on the other horses. She was only two years old, but ready to go into horse racing, the only problem being was that she had a temperament and only Penny could control it. Today, she was trying something new with the horse, to see if her daughter, Suzie, could calm Izzy and bring her back to how she should be.

Currently, she wasn't getting very far. The horse was neighing angrily, very high pitched, it's front legs in the air, ready to knock over Suzie. Penny still sat on the floor. If there was one way for Suzie to learn, it was the hard way. She had protected her when she was very young from the horses, but her daughter was in her early twenties. She didn't need protecting from the horses anymore. Or so she thought, but on this display, maybe she was wrong.

Still, Penny watched, not moving. She wasn't going to jump in until the last possible moment it was needed. She had her faith in Suzie. She was good with all the horses and knew them all inside out. She just struggled in calming them down. Izzy was a tricky horse to calm, harder then any other horse that Suzie would have tried to calm before.

A couple more minutes passed, the horse was getting angrier and angrier. Penny decided to stand and walk over, enough was enough, her daughter would have to try another day with Izzy. As she walked over, suddenly Suzie pulled on the reins and spoke. Penny was still quite far away and didn't hear what she said, but the horse stopped in her tracks and instantly calmed. She watched as Suzie started petting the creature's head and moved in with hers. She had managed to do it, to calm the temperamental horse.

Penny ran over, "Suzie, you did it! Well done!"

"Thanks Mom! It took me long enough. I was getting worried in the middle that she was going to knock me, but I finally got through to her," Suzie said, moving her gaze between Penny and Izzy. "Can I give her a quick ride?"

"Of course Suz. She should ride better now than she normally does for you," Penny replied as Suzie mounted Izzy and kicked off.

Penny stood there and watched as Suzie rode around the ranch on Izzy, before another horse came along and pushed its head against Penny's. "Hello Kelz," she said, stroking the creature's head. This horse was slightly older at four years old and was white all over. Just above the tail was a black patch, as if someone had got a paint brush and had splodged it on. Kelz was a show horse, rather than a race horse. They bred all kinds of horses for different occasions. Some they kept and others they sold. It depended on the horse and the price. Kelz had been around for a couple of years now, not the longest of the bunch but one of. Izzy had been a fairly new addition, and, due to her temperament, was bought at a cost effective price.

The horse let out a massive 'neigh' of excitement, before walking slowly away from Penny. Penny let herself smile, all was good. The ranch was going well, the bunch of horses they had were one of the best they've had for a long time, and Suzie was getting even better with them. Life was good.


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Comments (1)

By on Fri 21st Sep, 2018 @ 10:02pm

Oh, nice! I like a good horse story. =) This is a great NPC.