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The Man in the Mirror

Posted on Sat 9th Feb, 2019 @ 11:28am by Captain Andrus Grax

299 words; about a 1 minute read

"Personal Log: Captain Andrus Grax - Stargate 70108.5.

So, the news that we - the remaining crew of the Falcon - have been waiting for has finally arrived: The Bureau of Ships, in consultation with Starfleet Command have decided that the Falcon is not going to be repaired.

To be honest, I can't say I blame them... she was a bloody mess.

The question for me, therefore, becomes 'what next'? There is a shortage of experienced captains around the fleet at the moment... The Dominion, The Borg, the Hobus nova - all have taken their toll on personnel resources.

I expect I'll be offered a new command.

Problem is, I was never convinced that command was the right track for me. Somehow they talked me into it, but it never really fit. It always felt like a uniform that was one size too small - just about manageable, but always slightly choking; always slightly restrictive. I'm not really a diplomat; I'm not really a scientist; I'm not really an explorer - all those qualities that the famous captains of old possessed - I'm just a survivor who through a series of bad decisions found himself on the bridge of a starship.

But, if not that, then what?

I'm not getting promoted - no one in their right mind would put admiral's pips on me. I could just retire, I guess - live out the rest of my days on a little colony planet somewhere as far away from anywhere as possible. *sigh* That would be boring.

I guess the reality is that, despite every natural inclination within me, Starfleet has become so much my home that I have absolutely no clue how to exist without it.

And I'm not really sure what that means.

End log."


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